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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. You don't have to be a dick, I just asked a question. You answered it. I acknowledged you answered my question. Chill out already.
  2. Fuck Honda Northwest. I've NEVER had a good experience there. Plus I have heard that they do shit like this to other people. It doesn't surprise me that they did this to you. I won't ever buy a bike from them because on the few occassions I went into their store, I waited and waited and waited without any acknowledging my presence. Because of my experiences, coupled with the multiple stories I have heard, in addition to this one, I will never go into their store again... For anything. I understand its $10 but that's SOOO not the point. They saw a guy who had a problem and they thought they could take him for $10. Its NOT the same as buying milk from a grocery store. That's retarded. First, its a service, not a product. It's not like Putty went into the store and asked for a free item or bolt. But don't get me wrong... Businesses have every right to charge people for such services. They have every right to try and screw people who are in need of service for as much money as they can. But, Putty has every right to tell them to FUCK OFF. And we (I) have every right to not purchase anything from them because of their willingness to take as much from their customers as possible.
  3. I kinda ignore gas prices. The price will go down when people use less gas. We, as a nation, drive to freaking much. We should all be on Segweys and bicycles.
  4. Cleaner


    that's hilarious. Thank ALLAH, it wasn't actually my bike.
  5. Cleaner


    Chuck Liddell has painted toe nails, so my answer is "no."
  6. Just wondering why you'd be selling the best bike to bet a subpar one. But you answered my question with your... second reply post.
  7. looks like we need another war to steal more oil. Stupid ass Bush can't get anything right. It like going to the grocery store and forgetting the groceries.
  8. Hope he doesn't plan on going to jail for ANYTHING... The prison boys will have fun with this one.
  9. FYI, the handy-tard needs pics.
  10. I thought you were all about the 750. Didn't you indicate that the 750 was the best bike out? Correct me if I'm wrong. Not being a dick but just curious.
  11. I hope to god that story is true. Laughed my ass off.
  12. Cleaner


    he misread his calander.... He thought it was halloween.
  13. Cleaner

    peace out!

    Warrants? They'll get you every time.
  14. Cleaner

    Smokin' chic...

    The age of "consent" in Ohio is 16 asshole...
  15. Careful there Vector. The tooth missing hillbillies in Kentucky may get offended.
  16. Cleaner

    Smokin' chic...

    I think Dweezle goes a bit far when he states he would kick her out of his bed. However, I don't find her that great either. I'm not a fan of fake boobs either. A turn-off for me. I don't mind an athletic woman. I actually like it, but she IS a bit too muscular for my tastes (in some of the pics). Would I kick her out of the bed? Of course not. Have I dated better??? Certainly.
  17. I own a 1000cc because I've got a small penis and need to overcompensate via my literbike. In all seriousness, there are positives and negatives regarding the three classes. And this thread is not going to give you a clear answer. My suggestion. Look at your finances and then do some pricing comparisons. Then look at resale value. Then get the best bike for your buck. OR Ignore all of the know it all weekend warriors on this forum (including myself) and pick the best looking bike with the color scheme you want. The bike that looks coolest to you will be the one that you ride the most. As a result it will turn out to be the best bike/cc class for you.
  18. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    But will you get one Putty? Or are you gonna have to wait until you know more about it and ride one first?
  19. Cleaner


    COURT OF APPEALS OF MISSOURI, KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 240 Mo. App. 818 CASE SUMMARY PROCEDURAL POSTURE: Appellant finders challenged the judgment of the Circuit Court of Schuyler County (Missouri), which found in favor of intervenor property owner in the finders' action against respondent excavator in replevin for possession of an ancient Indian canoe found embedded in the owner's property. OVERVIEW: The finders found the canoe embedded in the soil while they were swimming in a river that ran through the property owner's land. The finders showed the canoe to the excavator, who removed it from the soil. On appeal, the court held that the trial court could only have found that the canoe was once the personal property of persons unknown and that it was by the forces of nature embedded in the soil of land of the property owner. The court noted that it was the presumption that property found embedded in the soil belonged to the owner of the property. The court indicated that the property owner claimed not only the surface of her land, but everything within the soil including the canoe that was embedded therein. The court determined that because the canoe was a part of the realty prior to its severance, the life tenant had no right to sever it, and the canoe belonged to the property owner who was the owner of the next vested estate of inheritance. OUTCOME: The court affirmed the judgment in favor of the property owner. Wasn't able to find anything on point in the time I was willing to dedicate, but this is close enough.
  20. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    :lol: Thanks for that. Man my gut hurts now.
  21. Cleaner


    I'm 99.9% sure that that law only applies in a public place. As a result if you drop a $20 bill in the Men's Room, I can claim it under the "Finder's" law. However, that is not the same situation as the person's house. When the person purchased the house they purchased everything left in it by the prior owner. Everything from the roaches to the stack of money in its walls. The only person to possibly have a right to the money would be its original owner who left it in the wall. They have a possible claim to it, not the contractor. Additionally, the contractor was paid to complete a task. He is being paid for that task and not to snoop around the house and find something that may or may not belong to him. That's like if you are at work at Nationwide and in the cabinet you find $10k. NO WAY that money is yours. The guy should've taken the 10% and been happy. But greed will get you every time.
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