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Everything posted by 35RFTW

  1. 35RFTW

    thanks ppc

    And I thought it was a Canadian Grand Prix??? :lolguy: Can't wait to check it out.
  2. I could easily find plenty of pictures of the same stuff happening to Volks. This has been discussed on numerous times on many forums. Rota's are great wheels for the money and just like any other wheel if you run into a curb, they will bend/crack. Stop hatin!
  3. New up and coming thing on Facebook will be online shopping. We are a little ahead of the curve. We have probably around 100 items on there right now and will be adding more as time goes on. First person to purchase something from our store will get a $10 in store credit! Shop Here!
  4. For the Facebook inclined http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109488042474436
  5. New up and coming thing on Facebook will be online shopping. We are a little ahead of the curve. We have probably around 100 items on there right now and will be adding more as time goes on. First person to purchase something from our store will get a $10 in store credit! Shop Here!
  6. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=109488042474436 check it out folks!
  7. Should be a good time! Any special request for sides for the BBQ?
  8. I would love to paint my car, but no place to do it.
  9. Urban Active Polaris here.
  10. https://www.dps.state.oh.us/atps/ that is the page you need
  11. I can't comment on their use, but we have a $50 rebate on them right now.
  12. 35RFTW

    Verizon help?

    Appreciate the offer, but I am looking to get into a iPhone4.
  13. I currently am about a year out on my upgrade and stuck with an original Droid. Can anyone help me out on getting an early upgrade? I know I have seen various posts on here before from Verizon reps. Would greatly appreciate it!
  14. 35RFTW

    Verizon help?

    I currently am about a year out on my upgrade and stuck with an original Droid. Can anyone help me out on getting an early upgrade? I know I have seen various posts on here before from Verizon reps. Would greatly appreciate it!
  15. Well considering we have moved to Columbus and changed our name, you may not want to go there. We can get one for you, but it would have to be ordered and would be $144.11 with tax. I even checked Iron Pony's site to see if they might have had one in stock for you and did not see it there. Give us a call and we can get it on order for you.
  16. We can get you hooked up! Pm your size for prices!
  17. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/252257_220987311252257_184814024869586_936593_6716893_n.jpg We can get you hooked up! Pm your size for prices!
  18. Do you have a motorsports related event or motorcycle ride coming up and need a venue? Give us a call. We are more than happy to support your cause by letting you use our building/parking lot. Message me for details!
  19. Do you have a motorsports related event or motorcycle ride coming up and need a venue? Give us a call. We are more than happy to support your cause by letting you use our building/parking lot. Message me for details!
  20. Well.. had one person drop out so I got room in the car if someone wants to go.
  21. Got room in the car if anyone wants to go. Going to Norwalk tomorrow for a race and then probably back to Columbus! Shoot me a text if anyone is interested.
  22. Why do I get the message: Independent Motorsports, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. When I am trying to check these out?
  23. Still putting the shop out there as a place to meet up
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