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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz

    THE Game Week

    Props to you. You get it! I like to give and get a hard time as a fan. I'm not a Michigan slappy..I'm a realist. We suck right now. But I won't stop cheering for them. Just because I moved here doesn't mean I leave my teams behind. Yeah..earlier in the year we had our shit together. Now..after a few injuries..and some bad coaching...Meh. I was at the Purdue game. The coaching and effort sucked ass. Ugh. Plus Tate looks like his arm still hurts. He's not the gunslinger he was at the beginning of the year. I'll give Rich Rod 3 years. He's got one more year then no excuses.
  2. InyaAzz

    THE Game Week

    Just as long as you realize UM owned OSU when I first moved to Ohio...and this series goes in cycles.
  3. InyaAzz


    Looks like a Firebolt with a full fairing. Not that it's a bad thing. I think the Firebolt is a nice looking bike.
  4. InyaAzz

    THE Game Week

    I already packed it up. But this is game week. I will talk shit even though I know UM will get pounded on. And if by some chance they win, then all the better. There are a lot of games throughout the history where the lesser team has won. This game on paper is OSU's, but you never know.
  5. You know, I have a new appreciation for the acceleration of liter bikes after following UP and R1 back home. Trying to pass a car was never a second thought for me. Flick the wrist and away you go. I cussed those two out for many a minute as I had to get a running start and complete a power point presentation on how I was going to pass the next car in front of me. Damn inlines!
  6. I joined the Army specifically for the GI Bill. I would have went into the Air Force, but I didn't want to wait 6+ months. If you can put up with the BS for 3 years, that's a good option to pursue. If you can find a way to go into the service as an officer, even better. Your quality of life will be better in the Air Force vs Army vs Marines.
  7. InyaAzz

    PS3 Games

    Meh..when I traded in a butt load of games a month or so ago I cleaned up. Much better than Gamestop. And then I got $60 to spend at Amazon on top of it. Maybe they're saturated by now.
  8. Spring rolls...Egg drop soup...mmmmmm Guess I know where I'm going for lunch.
  9. InyaAzz

    PS3 Games

    Check to see if Amazon is doing one of their infamous trade in specials. You'll probably get more $$ and if you hit a certain dollar amount, you'll get an amazon gift cert.
  10. And that pretty much sums it up. Great ride..except for the minor mishaps...which even though I had nothing to do with..makes the bottom of my stomach curl. I hate to see beautiful bikes like that Kaw and the Triumph go down. Having the riders ride away makes everything better though. The section of 555 we rode through was amazingly clean, and the southern part of 83 is nice riding. Even though 666 was dirty, it was better than the first time I rode it. Except for the tar snakes separating the old and new pavement. I thought I was going down for sure. Great way to wind the season down.
  11. Al Gore would not be pleased.
  12. This thread stopped being on topic a while ago.
  13. First of all, I didn't ask you to provide facts, so if you're going to accuse me of something, get it straight. You provided your opinion, I provided mine, based on spending time overseas and having family that lives in third world countries. I never said you needed to provide proof or cite a resource. Go back and read. I'll wait.
  14. A lot of people from where? Iraq? The Iraqi people don't speak for the whole of the middle east. I guarantee you, for every 5 people that thanked you, there were at least another 5 that wanted you dead. Of course, they are not going to come up and tell you that to your face in the day time. Sure, there are people there that welcomed you...but you are mistaken if you think Iraqi's and Middle East in general welcomes foreign troops on their sovereign soil. Again..we would not put up with it in our country, why should we expect other people to? And yes, some of the people shaking your hand in the day time are plotting to kill you at night.
  15. They're worth the money. I bought a pair in the summer and haven't looked back.
  16. InyaAzz


    Whatever the reason, we lose. HD can suck it.
  17. You're not getting rid of more and more terrorists so they won't come over here. You're killing 10 terrorists, and creating 50 more. Do you think the families of those killed are not going to hate the people responsible for killing their family members? That's where the war on terror is flawed. You can't effectively suppress fanatical beliefs with violence. It ends up breeding more hate. Do you really think, for the most part, people like seeing foreign troops on their own soil? How would you feel if the situation was reversed?
  18. The US created the situation with Iran/Iraq. Before we invaded, Iran and Iraq were sworn enemies. Sadaam was actually keeping Iran in check, and really the best thing we had going. Removing Sadaam shifted the balance of power in that region. True story. Check it out.
  19. Ouch. He walked away..always a blessing.
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