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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The CLE crew just stopped at a gas station before we hit the meet spot. That's why I like big gas stations as meeting spots...gas readily available.
  2. I'll be doing blow and stuffing dead hookers in mini-vans until...oh...say..3am Sunday morning. If I can make it...so can you!! Hey..I'd like to stress the 'ARRIVE GASSED UP' rule. PLEASE come with full fucking tanks! Pretty please?!? The last time I was down there..we gave each other hand jobs for over an hour, and it wasn't fun. I got spunk in my eye and it burned for the whole ride. I'm all about leaving on time. Shit happens...we all know this..but if you're late just because you couldn't get up or were too lazy to get gas or whatever...leave that shit at home.
  3. No names yet. DoD has to wait until all families are notified. Expect names tomorrow. More info on Heath (see above). He was the one driving the Stryker. They are in a relatively safer part of the country..so this was not expected. One of his legs has been amputated...he has shrapnel throughout his body and burns over his face. The other leg *may* be saved. It sounds like there's a good chance he may lose it though. He's flying to Germany today, and then state side when he's stable.
  4. From your description...definitely not.
  5. Unfortunately, one of the soldiers in that Stryker vehicle is a good friend of David Hall's (killed on Aug 31st from Lorain) family. He's alive for now...but will lose his legs most likely. This was the latest I heard last night. That's the second Lorain soldier in less than a month.
  6. Ok..I don't watch much TV. Everything I DO watch is DVR'ed or downloaded. What I was(am) watching consisted of Battlestar Galactica, Weeds, Dexter and Californication. Is this show as good as those?
  7. Did you really need an excuse?
  8. DAMNIT! No Outlook support. I don't even need Exchange..I just need to be able to sync to the local Outlook database. Grrrrrr.
  9. Baby....the OTHER white meat. Unless you grab one of those black babies. Pretty tasty..but high in fat.
  10. That was my original plan..before the NEO'ers chimed in. Looks like we'll have a few bikes coming down so it won't be so bad. I just have to control the drinking on Saturday night. We should do a group ride to his driveway on Sunday AM. Niiiiice! Glad you can make it!
  11. I am in for this....barring testicular cancer or some other similar event.
  12. Crap..Newark is the meeting spot? No worries. SHITTY!!! Where are you?!?
  13. ^ you sir(Justin)...are not making me happy right now. Anyone else in NEO wanna hump it down there on Sunday?
  14. ^ Sounds like a winner to me. I'm sure I won't like the price though.
  15. Wish I could have joined ya!!
  16. Keyboard is a must for me too. I hate touch screen only devices.
  17. I haven't hear many people who were happy with the Instinct. YMMV. The new Palm WebOS is cool..easy to develop for...but the execution of the phone itself sucks. There are a few things it does rather well...but the little things that got left out make it a no-go for me. I'd be interested in an Android phone...barring it meets my home/work/sync needs. The problem with Android isn't in the execution..it's in the 'marketing'. It's hard for and OS name to get traction. No one cares what Android is or does....except for the people with some sort of technical skill set. This is where it will be hurt most..product recognition. An 'Android phone' can be anything. An iPhone or a Pre is only 'one' thing. People ask when they see a touch screen phone 'Is that an iPhone? Is that a Pre (not so much)?' They don't ask 'Is that an Android phone'? Even though the OS (Pre or Android) may be a technical success, I don't see the phones gaining much traction (especially in the US). But hey..who gives a fuck if it isn't the #1 phone? I'd rather have something that works and does what I need it to do..when I need it to do it. I've never been a 'follow the masses' type of person. You don't see my house full of Apple gear just because it looks cool. If I can build it myself or buy the same functionality cheaper...I'll do it. What the fuck was I ranting about again?
  18. ...and be forced to kidnap and eat small babies to sustain my girlish figure.
  19. I did some further research. No video? Really? Wow. No direct sync with Outlook? Only Exchange? Really? I'm not an MS fan, but I'm forced to use Outlook at work, and I run it at home for seamless sync'ing on my Moto Q between home and work(which has now been broken with the WinMo 6.5 update). You're forcing me to sync to Google...and then sync from Google to Pre? Um...no. And I require Notes/Tasks/etc to sync as well, and from what I'm seeing, even the pay solutions aren't doing a full sync of the whole database. Yuck. I guess the Palm Pre is out for me.
  20. Yeah go figure! I could easily skirt the filtering..but then I'd lose my job.
  21. Give me a call right before you do it. I'll scream "It's the Terminator" and run like hell, hopefully causing a shit storm full of panic. Just don't do it Delonte West style. You might get laughed at.
  22. I'm down for Sunday. I'd like one more ride before putting Darth Negro away. I guess Saturday is do-able for me...Sunday just seems to be the better option weather wise.
  23. iPhone + ATT + godly expensive plan compared to what I'm paying with Sprint now = FAIL. I am curious about the Android..but unfortunately once I leave WinMo, there goes my SERO plan. The Pre looks nice..but I'm not trying to pay full price. If they offered it for $99 and let me have a plan close to what I'm paying now (The new Sprint plan for free mobile to mobile calls/unlim. txt and internet) is close....
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