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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I made it..not so fugly. Getting rid of the short bus turn signals in the front was probably the one thing I couldn't wait to do. Having to import them and pay the $$ was NOT something I couldn't wait to do. Um..we can trade for a while!?!? I'm loving your bike as well.
  2. The last person who withheld pics from a thread had a cell phone bomb surgically implanted in his torso. MOAR PICS!!!!!!
  3. Tod...you know what I want to say right? Even though he had nothing to do with it....right? LOL Glad to see you all made it safely back. We had a nice romp South of Canton on Sunday too.
  4. I have some A* shin and knee gaurds...and they fit in my generic Race boots...but I'm willing to bet they wouldn't fit in others. I agree with the 'cover your ankles' advice too.You don't realize how frail that join is until your sliding down the road or flipping in the air. In 07 I was headed home, right around the corner from my house, leaning into a right hand turn. Someone ran into my bike as I was leaned to the right, and shot me like a cannon into a high side. This was the ONE night I wore shoes because I was in a hurry to leave the house and catch the Cavs playoff game. When I hit the ground, I lost both shoes immediately. Luckily I didn't tumble and I was sliding head first (thank you HJC and Icon)....and after you realize you're still alive and you stand up, you feel sorta silly standing in the street in your socks. The whole 'But you're alive and it doesn't matter' hasn't kicked in yet.
  5. There was a guy on here with a cruiser that I've ridden with before..not in the twisties though. BlueShark? I can't remember his name. Anyways..the wait comes with the game. I would never leave someone I was riding with behind (unless he deserved it ). I suck..forgot my sorry camera. Pics or it didn't happen!! I agree...but 164 is my kinda road. S. Ohio has the best roads..but I would ride 164 again in a heart beat. It's much closer than S. Ohio for me. And I did 555 a month ago...and the only part I really enjoyed was the last 20 miles. The first 40 is gravel city and it's hard to enjoy the ride unless you've been on it a couple of times. The first time up and down is so technical and blind in a lot of areas, that I'm willing to bet the majority of average riders wouldn't enjoy it. It's a great road for experienced riders, but it isn't kind to novice or most average riders...mainly because of the gravel. That being said, S. Ohio has a million roads to choose from that blow 555 away. There is a 600 rolling around with a baby strapped to the back. If you think I'm nuts...this guy is certifiable. Wait for it...... wait for it..... +9999999 Worry about riding your own pace...not what someone else is doing. I used Hailwood and the other bikes in front of me to gauge the blind corners and elevation changes. I was quick enough to keep them right in front of me...but if they had lost them, I would have slowed it down in the areas where I couldn't see and didn't feel comfortable. Forget the guys in front, I would have just caught up to them and the next turn. I fixed my corner entrance today.
  6. That's where I've been for the last 13 years. I didn't grow up in Ohio though. I wish I could move further east, but my kids were born here ...divorce...wash, rinse, repeat. Let me know anytime you come in town..we'll hook up. In a non-sexual way.
  7. Look..it's the OP's choice. It's his body. If he decides to ride with a Tshirt, god/buddha/allah bless him. If you were to ask ME if it was a good idea...I'd say no. I've been hit from behind, and clocked a mailbox and MPH sign while tumbling in the air and on the ground more times than I care to remember. I had the same mesh jacket on both times. No rash. I've also had a good friend of mine loop his Gixxer with full gear on and still end up getting rash...which I spent a good amount of my time cleaning for him. Not fun..not pretty. BUT, without gear, he would have been in much worse shape. It's a risk...we all take one when we climb on two wheels. If your skin is expendable to you and you think you can endure the pain and rehab associated with road rash....go for it. Maybe you feel like rocking the tshirt on short trips..and gear on the spirited rides or longer trips. Whatever works for YOU. Just know that you ending up on the pavement can have absolutely NOTHING to do with you and your ability. Good luck.
  8. I made it back to Lorain in one piece...almost got popped by one time on 90, but a Harley took one for the team. GREAT ride. I loved 164. I can't wait to ride it again. Thanks Hailwood for leading the way...the pace was what I expected, and we kept the group together. I'd ride with any of you guys again.
  9. Yes..leaving at 11. We're riding straight through. I probably won't leave my house until 10:25 or so..depends on if I have enough gas to get to Canton.
  10. We need to hit a gas station after Starbucks... that might have been a better meeting spot. Next time. I'll be leaving my house in a little over an hour.
  11. Did you have baby wipes on board, or did you wash your ass later? Good save...let us know what you find out about the pads.
  12. ^LOL Just come on out and try it.No one is going to judge you or leave you behind. At the most, just come to the meet spot knowing how to ride staggered. The rest you'll pick up by watching. Oh yeah...wear some gear too. Flip flops and shorts are not an option.
  13. What the fuck is going on?!?!
  14. No worries...just giving you a hard time. I'd rather have you sit out than make the ride and put yourself in a bad spot. Sal, take a look at this: http://www.ama-cycle.org/roadride/groupRideSignals.asp The most important are the hazard, turn/stop, fuel, and the "I SEE A COP" signal, which according to this page is the same as the high beam signal. Don't stress it right now...just lurk in the back and watch everyone in front. That's the best way to learn.
  15. Ok, so since Dude has opted out...we leave BP in Westlake at 11. There's no need to stop in Fairlawn anymore.
  16. I'm gonna pay someone to tea bag you.
  17. When riding in a group..you'll have riders of different skill levels. Some folks like to do a leisurely ride, some like to attack the corners or straights. When *I* organize a ride, I make sure no one is left behind...first and foremost. So, no matter what your skill level, no one feels out of place. If we're riding and the lead bikes come to a turn, they wait for everyone to catch up. Don't expect the lead bikes to go slow for everyone to stay 'grouped'...it doesn't work that way. What they will do, at least if I'm involved, is ride their ride, but wait for the rest of the group if they come to a point of the route that requires a turn in the other direction. If we're hitting the twisties, I would expect that we have decent spacing between us...in case gravel or traffic or some other hazard pops up. Other than that, know your hand/foot signals. We promise not to bite. Come on and check it out if you want...ride in the back if you just want to get your feet wet.
  18. it's a date bitches! Should be fun. Off to go see Star Trek now.
  19. Ok..let's plan on leaving at 10:45. Dude, that puts us at your exit no later than 11:15. That will give us plenty of wiggle room to get to Starbucks on time.
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