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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. You're forgetting the fact that you are alive to post on this forum. I know it sucks..but try to look at the positives. Oh wait..is posting on here a positive? Ok, stick to just being happy you're alive.
  2. Ocean water DOES heal!! Oh yeah..almost forgot
  3. Is she filing suit against you, or your insurance company, or both? I assume you have insurance..so this won't come out of your pocket. I had to sue the teenager that hit me from behind...she had Safe Auto though..and they only carry the minimum coverage..so I only got like $8K for my pain and trouble. I know it's hard..but consider yourself lucky. It does seem from what I'm reading..that you were at fault..AND you were able to live another day. So take the good with the bad, and chaulk it up to one of life's lessons. Good luck.
  4. Did she actually say 'when the baby fat goes away'? It's baby fat when you have one or two kids. Past two, and you're in blubber territory.
  5. This has started happening ..after a lull..much more now that Russia has a sack. They want that 'Super Power' status back, and keeping the West true is one way to do it. These flights used to happen all the time...then they stopped..and now they're back on again.
  6. I don't know what we ever did while this ban was previously in effect. I mean, how did we even function as a society? Going all commie and shit.
  7. We don't need no steenkin' facts..just FUD.
  8. InyaAzz

    Quake Live

    It was fun, until I remembered all everyone does is shoot and jump. That sucks.
  9. He's gotta ban all the handguns with removable magazines before he even thinks about Gaza!
  10. I'm not debating or doubting that. I'll say it again..I don't agree with Obama that the ban will do much, if anything. All I'm saying is that there is a lot of FUD going around, and people bitching and moaning about "assault rifles"when there are more important issues to be worried about. The fact that he is NOT banning all weapons allows me to put my priorities in order, and say, you know, there are more pressing matters afoot than not being able to buy an AK-47.
  11. FACTS: Correct me if I'm wrong..but the 2nd amendment mentions 'arms', not 'assault rifles'. Again, feel free to call me on that. Boy, I would LOVE to take an RPG to the range..or toss a grenade or two. Maybe plant some C4 and watch some shit blow up. But I can't. You can't either. Is ANYONE on here or anywhere pissing and moaning about that? NO. Again, I'll be the first one in line if someone tries to take my weapon away from me. But that isn't happening, and Obama already said he didn't plan on making it that way. I'm not losing sleep over not being able to go to the range and fire an RPG. Nor am I going to lose sleep about not being able to buy a street sweeper. You can't buy an AR and take it to the range..and I can't drive my bike 150 Mph on I-90. The government has taken away my right to go as fast as I want! We both can't do something we really want to do..even though there are alternatives. Is that really more important than getting this country back on it's feet? More FUD. Call me when it matters.
  12. http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/Hungarian_AMD-65_7.62x39_Rifle.html I'm here to help.
  13. You might want to do some research. Wiki and Google are your friend. I quote: " By former U.S. law the legal term assault weapon included certain specific semi-automatic firearm models by name (e.g., Colt AR-15, H&K G36E, TEC-9, all non-automatic AK-47s, and Uzis) and other semi-automatic firearms because they possess a minimum set of features from the following list of features: Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following: Folding stock pistol grip Bayonet mount Flash suppressor, or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one Grenade launcher (more precisely, a muzzle device which enables the launching or firing of rifle grenades) Semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following: Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor Barrel shroud that can be used as a hand-hold Unloaded weight of 50 oz (1.4 kg) or more A semi-automatic version of an automatic firearm Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following: Folding or telescoping stock Pistol grip Fixed capacity of more than 5 rounds Detachable magazine The earlier term assault rifle, refers to rifles that are select-fire (that is, rifles that are capable of either semi-automatic or fully-automatic fire), firing intermediate-power rounds (such as the 5.56 x 45 mm NATO, or 7.62 x 39 mm), which along with fully automatic pistols, provided the pre-cursor for the term "assault weapon." In contrast, the term assault weapon as used in civilian and U.S. legal usage refers to a semi-automatic weapon with certain features, as listed above. The ban did not cover "assault rifles" but merely the new category of "assault weapons" which did not include automatic weapons of any type."
  14. He said a 'smart' ban on weapons..now take that for whatever it's worth. he didn't say a total ban. I'm not supporting his choice of words or actions..I'm just stating what he said.
  15. And you know this..how? More fear mongering, in my opinion. No one in this country is going to allow him to ban all weapons..and he's never said such a thing. People like to stir up shit about things like 'assault weapons', when there are more pressing things wrong with this country. Geezus H Chrizzist! Are people really more concerned about not being able to buy a damn assault rifle, than whether or not you or your kids are going to have the kind of future you'd hope for them? Really? Wow.
  16. Yawn. People are sheep. They run and hoard things that people tell them they can't have. I don't agree that they should be banned..I don't think it will make a difference...but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. When you move to ban guns as a whole, I'll be right there in the front of the line demanding justice. Until then, I can defend my home with my shotgun or my Glock. I don't think the people are any less of a threat to the government because they can't buy an AR15. I'm sure someone on here will try to prove me wrong. Knock yourself out. Not worried about it. We have bigger issues to deal with.
  17. You know you're in trouble when you have to take a loan out to go to the range.
  18. InyaAzz

    Quake Live

    I have to get BACK in queue to play? Unreal. I hate to see what the weekend is gonna be like.
  19. How come no one is upset about the inability to buy rocket launchers and grenades? Just curious.
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