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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Yeah..I guess Kennedy's seizure was LONG. Byrd..is what..91 or something? He might not be long on this earth. Prayers go out to both their families.
  2. What I've noticed is that it didn't take long for someone to come and associate Obama with something he had absolutely nothing to do with.
  3. My CFL's have a 10 year warranty...and they only cost me about 50 cents each. They were purchased in MI at Kroger's I believe. The state had some sort of coupon/rebate program going on which made them super cheap.
  4. Welcome! I'm in Lorain too..there are a few others that are close by too.
  5. Round and round we go. I agree...this is a moot point, because most people choose to only look at things from their perspective. We all have our opinions..that's why we live here. That and chicken wings. Again, my opinion is that there are rarely any praises because of the scale of the negatives. Maybe that's human nature, like you said..but I guarantee you that if Obama makes mistakes on the same scale, the public and media will turn on him just as quick. This isn't 'personal'..it's not a Bush vs Obama or left vs right or Foxnews vs CNN. I'm pretty sure if Bush had been willing to admit a mistake, or even be a little more flexible when it came to making decisions, the public and the press would have been much easier on him. I would NEVER want his job..but at the same time I would never be as arrogant as he was and act like every decision I made was the correct one..or that I was incapable of making a bad decision. We as humans...on a whole..can understand when someone messes up. What we tend to dislike is someone who professes to be incapable of messing up. We're all fuck ups in some fashion. That's what being human is all about. I agree with you about being the 'world police' and more countries standing up and taking action. That was my whole point..we sealed the nomination for ourselves when we went to Iraq. Ok..fine. If that's our role..then we need to be consistent. Africa needs to be addressed. If it's not our role, then stay the fuck out of Iraq. You can't have it one way, and then decide...eh..them damn Africans are on their own. That just smells of interference, only when it suits our purposes. We should either be all in, or all out. Do the job the right way. War is shitty...but if you go into war with a certain set of rules that the other side doesn't have...then you are setting yourself up for failure. The UN and the Security Council are jokes. It's a big chess match between the permanent members to prevent the other countries from interfering in their interests. It may have served it's point at one time...but those times are long gone.
  6. Welcome to the Internet.
  7. Free Speech. When you watch the TV and you see someone praising Bush , and it warms your heart, you should also realize you need to allow someone on the opposite end of the spectrum to voice their opinion, whatever it is. You can't have it your way, only. Well, you can, but you need to leave the country and live somewhere else to do it. Bush supporters obviously don't like the criticism. Point taken. But to say someone isn't entitled to criticize the man any time they see fit? Come on. Read these sentences again...you're mad because people are openly bashing him? Would you be mad if people were pouring on the praise? NO, you wouldn't. And please don't tell me you would..I haven't seen a single post where Bush supporters were telling everyone to 'quit it' with the praises. Love Bush or hate him, one of the basic building blocks of this country is free speech. You can say whatever you want..within reason. I can't go on TV and say I am gonna kill the Pres...for obvious reasons. But to criticize someone, no matter how loudly or frequently, is something WE ALL have a right to do as long as you live here. You may not like the words coming out of people's mouths, but they have a right to say them. Just like you have a right to not listen to them or present your own opinion. As far as the UN goes....worthless. Team America nailed it. As far as Africa goes...I'm not a fan of invading countries....BUT if people can sit back and say Iraq was justified (THE PRESIDENT INCLUDED) how can you sit back and say that what's going on in Africa doesn't warrant the same attention? Mass murder and executions: Check Weapons of mass destruction: Didn't find any in Iraq. Check Genocide: Check The BS link between Iraq and Al Qaeda: Wasn't there in Iraq, but AQ and extremism is ALIVE and WELL in Africa. Power hungry, murderous dictators: Check
  8. Can we start another Turd Sandwich/Giant Douche thread?
  9. InyaAzz

    Circut City

    The sale starts tomorrow..but don't expect to see any deals for a while. The stuff will get marked up (probably already IS marked up) and you won't see any great deals until it gets closer to March. People will flock in there and buy stuff up because they see %40 off on the sticker, but the damn thing was marked up before they put that on there. I'd be interested in seeing what they do with the smaller stuff, like music/video games.
  10. I wasn't talking about people in this thread or this forum..I was speaking in general. The 'gloom and doom' posts that you can easily find attached to any article or story about Obama. They're not hard to find. Beating a dead horse now.
  11. I wasn't aware there was a curse. Ok. Done caring.
  12. Because there are a lot of people out there who can't get over the fact that Obama won. I hear em on the radio every day, and see their posts all over the web commenting on news articles. They are STILL mad, and even though he isn't president yet, they are bashing him every chance they get. Give the man a chance!!
  13. ''Going out on a limb here... because the club felt that events that black folks would gravitate towards were not represented in the first bike week. I'm just guessing here. As bikers, you would think that it should be all about the bikes and skin color should not play into it..but the reality is, that's not true. It's not a segregation issue..people of the same color tend to feel comfortable around each other and enjoy the same shit. That's not a hard rule..but you get what I'm saying. Case in point..there are bike weeks where the promoters hire country or rock bands to perform. Most black folks aren't into country (or rock)music. Why would you spend money on something you have no interest in? Answer: You wouldn't. So, maybe this club decided to get acts that appealed to a black demographic..and decided to do it separate from the first week because there was already too much going on. Silly negros.
  14. There's an indoor track near Detroit that DSB hangs out at. Just FYI.
  15. I offered my house..which is about 20 mins from the IX center..and I'm pretty sure someone else offered too.
  16. This has already been reported...and has been making the news circles for years. I don't think it's a matter of not being talked about..I think it's a matter of his failed policies and blunders overseas that overshadow any good he's done. I'm not a Bush fan, but you can't argue the fact that he did a lot for the continent of Africa as far as AIDS is concerned. But on the other hand, I'd have to argue that the inaction of the US has caused a great many lives to be lost in that same continent. There's a lot of killing going on there...but I guess middle eastern lives are more valuable. Anyways..don't wanna change the subject. Kudos to Bush.
  17. Black Bike Week is a much younger crowd..so I'm not surprised there are more idiots and incidents. Having said that, you can't tell me that the first bike week was not an issue either. The # of deaths alone during the first rally is enough to throw a flag up.
  18. http://www.myrtlebeachharley.com/ will be posting guides and maps on how to get around the new laws (not 'break' the laws, but how to avoid parts of MB that are enforcing the new laws). North Myrtle and the rest of Horry County still wants your business.
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