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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Well, I need to end up in Pickerington Saturday after the ride is over. BUT I don't think the weather will allow me to be on the road before 9am. Is someone wants to roll out on Saturday from NEO between 9 and 10, I'll lead I guess. I haven't had time to plan a route, but since my journey ends in Columbus/Pickerington, you'll have to get back to NEO on your own. Any takers?
  2. Dammit I wanna ride but doesn't look like anyone is gonna be doing what I need them to do LOL.
  3. Oh no worries...if I didn't have issues with the hands I would do an early start too. Next time.
  4. The toddler has my balls squeezed too tight..I can't seem to read well. That would be way too early for me to join in...I'd have to leave NEO pretty early to get there in time. I guess I'll be making other plans.
  5. Have we even established a day yet?
  6. As opposed to the wife beater and sandals? Hells naw.
  7. I plan on staying local, but for me that means Coshocton and back. Saturday I'm open to going down south a bit further. It's no fun for me anymore riding in a straight line ..especially through Amherst.
  8. Hmm...I'm thinking I can crash in the Columbus area on Saturday night, so as long as I get back to cbus before 7pm I'll be OK. If I can get back to NEO before 7, even better. I'll probably have to drop off my backpack somewhere in cbus before we start riding if I'm spending the night. Saturday?? I'll probably stay more local on Sunday if I ride.
  9. It took a few years to actually process what happened that night. I don't know if I should be concerned that I don't know whether to be mad because my sack wasn't being stroked anymore or the fact that that when I turn around.. there's a toddler looking at me like 'where'd my toy go, and who are YOU?' Ol' girl didn't seem to be in too much of a hurry to remove her from the situation either. I'm not proud...this was back in my whoring days. I only do it professionally now, as opposed to giving it away for free. And I tried not to judge when I found out where we were going. Actually, she omitted that part about where she lived. I had to find that one out when I was turning into the 'park'. Bay City, MI. The stuff dreams (nightmares) are made out of. (I'm giving Bay City a hard time, but the trailer park was actually outside of Bay City..closer to Saginaw)
  10. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=568742#post568742
  11. How many miles? Unfortunately...I have to be the vag of the site when it comes to cold weather riding. Well, anything under 60. My body overreacts and pulls blood away from my extremities. Once that happens, the fingers and toes go white..then blue. Needless to say it's hard to ride a sport bike when you can't feel your hands. So, I have to plan these late year trips very carefully.
  12. Oh yeah.... Sometime before I left MI for the Army, I had met some female in Bay City, MI. If you know Bay City, you know there was some fucking to be had later that night. Well, we get to her trailer (lulz), and she has a roommate. I hear the chick I'm with say something like "Well, I'm first, you can get some when I'm done". At this point I'm thinking...JACKPOT. Well, we get to exchanging fluids, and I'm hittin' it doggie style. My balls are just flapping away and banging against her like it's nobody's business. All of a sudden, I feel her hand start to stroke my sack. I'm in heaven now......until I look down and see both of her hands in front of her. WTF?!?! I turn around and it's her fucking toddler!! Where did SHE come from?? And why is she playing with my balls?!??!?!??!!?!?
  13. A man offered to suck my cock in the back of a store in the Houston airport about oh...15 years ago. I was either on the way back to Ft. Riley, or going home on leave, and I got to the airport right before all the stores were opening up. I had time to kill, so I was just browsing. The clerk asks me if I see anything I like...because he likes what he sees and we can go in the back and 'make a deal'. Maybe I was getting more than a cock gobble, now that I look back on it. About 10 or so years ago...I'm driving in downtown CLE near the flats with my girlfriend, at the light on the East end of the Vets bridge. A car crosses the intersection...with what appears to be a bunch of snow stuck under it...wait....is that a ??....yes...it's a fucking mattress stuck UNDER the car. One of the wheels is off the ground and a full size mattress is jammed under the car while it's driving down the street. WOW. There's more..I just don't remember.
  14. My piece of ass? It's always with me.
  15. I might be interested. I thought I had my last ride a few weeks ago..but the weather is shaping up nicely. My only problem is, I can't ride below 60, so that cuts out a big part of the day for me.
  16. Considering this..but I have cold weather issues to deal with. So it depends how quickly it warms up and how quickly it's gonna cool off. No trailer=I ride all the way there and back.
  17. and does it come with shin guards?
  18. Not a bad looking bike. The can looks like..meh..but damn...the ZX10 finally get a proper makeover. And oh yeah, the specs ain't bad either.
  19. Agreed...one persons comfort is another person's agony. One's ass might be more sensitive than the next...or the distance from his ankle to his knee might be longer...even though he is smaller and lighter than the next. every bike is different..just like the riders. When I used to commute almost daily...it was bearable. But...having sat on a Busa almost two weeks ago I can say without a doubt that I would be much more comfortable on that bike. The zixxer is ideal for the track ergo wise...not so much for the street..but they don't really make sport bikes to commute to work and back so I'll leave it at that.
  20. I'll have to take you up on that one UP. I've ridden a gixxer..but never a CBR. There is a difference in ergos between the zixxer and gixxer. I'm grateful that my 08 is waaaaaay better than the 06 was..but I know there's room for improvment. Brakes? Oh yeah...I'll give Kaw that. Didn't have to do a damn thing with the brakes. A+ in that department. Even kept me from hitting any more trees! I guess I'm more interested in the little parts that make more of a difference than HP. Lately Kaw seems to lag in that department. And exactly how long did it take for someone to say 'lets put the turn signals in the mirrors'?? I want my $250 back for importing my Kaw euro turn signals dammit.
  21. Which model gets 200 ponies? The one the rags get or the one that is actually for sale at the dealerships? I used to be all about the ponies...but they dont mean much on the street and I'm sorry Kaw fans..but Kaw's chassis sucks ass and the ergonomics are horrible. If I had to go buy a brand new bike...it wouldn't be a Kaw based on what's available now. This new bike could change my opinion...but I seriously doubt it.
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