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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I soooo wanna do this. I bought some hand warmers just in case.... What time are you talking about leaving NEO?
  2. InyaAzz

    Help me please!

    Sunday is open for me...but I don't think my fingers are going to be happy until around noon.
  3. Not going lower than $100, sorry.
  4. Still have em. Haven't put forth a lot of effort into selling them lately, but I need to get some new riding pants and a jacket so I may get serious about it this weekend.
  5. ^ Totally on board with that. That's how mine looks. Minus the purple tint. I went with gold.
  6. You could say the same about the Dems and their fiscal policies. It goes both ways.
  7. True story. Got run over from behind a few years ago. Driver had Safe Auto minimum insurance. Can't sue someone for what they don't have. Well, you CAN, but it will end up costing YOU more than the other party.
  8. Pakistan is our frienemy. We want to say fuck em, but we can't walk away because they have a nuke and their friends aren't necessarily our friends.
  9. Lulz!! Any update on this guy? I read another article yesterday on someone else who died....Vermillion maybe? The car went left of center and the rest is unfortunately history. No lid on.
  10. Clevelander....seen too much of it. Our building is right across the street. We have our Xmas party there too. Went to the game...no one in the stands at all. I guess folks are still waiting for the wheels to fall off. News Flash: The tribe is so far ahead right now that it would take a major implosion on their part to lose 1st place. They could play .500 ball from now till the end of the season and still not get caught.
  11. InyaAzz

    Help me please!

    My mother doesn't expect me to drive up north to see her. She's cool like that. She will expect me to drive her to NC on Mem Day weekend though. No scooter yet. I'm hoping to scoot jack some poor unsuspecting fool soon.
  12. InyaAzz

    Help me please!

    The weather is going to be my undoing this weekend. I can't ride when it's below 60. I don't feel like explaining it and keep your 'pussy' comments to yourself. I can't control it and it is what it is.
  13. There was nothing open about that compound. It was designed to keep prying eyes out. I'm pretty sure OBL wasn't walking out to the edge of the driveway to check the mail every day. If he left the compound at any time, you can bet you would have never seen his face. I'm willing to bet the ISI had him on a short leash too. It's called hiding in plain sight. It's also called "Let's set up shop where the drones can't reach me". Why spend your life on the run in a cave, when you can sleep on a water bed (yuck) and be surrounded by a friendly military? Think about it...it's much harder to extract him from deep within Pakistan in a populated area, than it is to grab him in a remote area.
  14. Lucky my mom lives 3+ hours away I guess. My last final is Friday, and I'll be ready to rape and ride this weekend. Not necessarily in that order. I'm too puss to ride to Bolivar and back by myself though.
  15. And he was well aware of this. Oh yeah, and the fact that he was surrounded by troops of a major division of a complicit government. He was hiding in plain sight. Everyone stop worrying about who takes credit for it. The folks that don't like the President are going to find a reason to not give him any credit for anything. The folks that support the President blindly are going to go the other way. There will be a small minority who will sit in the middle and just deal with the facts (removing all emotion and faulty logic from their decision making). OBL is dead. The hunt for him started before the current administration, but it ended DURING this administration. The President had actionable intelligence and authorized the kill. End of story. It doesn't end 'The War On Terror'. There are people still out there that want to do us harm...and that's not gonna change anytime soon. We're gonna do fucked up shit to other countries....and that's not changing anytime soon. Al Qaeda is not going to fold. If you want to be frank about it, this makes it increasingly difficult going forward because now he's a martyr, and AQ will most likely not be as structured as before. You'll have MORE splinter groups doing their own thing. I don't think they'll have the capabilities to pull of another 9/11 easily, but you'll have more plots and groups to track. Not to mention the revenge plots. And dumping his body at sea was smart. If they took his as a prisoner, then you would have had a massive security situation on your hands. Not to mention the political BS associated with his 'fair treatment'. It would be a logistical nightmare. If you kill him and keep his body, you still have a logistical nightmare because his burial site will ALWAYS be a target. Documenting his death and disposing of the body was the best way to handle this, IMHO.
  16. I don't know whether to be envious or self conscious.
  17. I'm going to that game with my sons. I had tickets to a game last year that got rained out and we are choosing this one as a replacement. 9 rows from the field somewhere around 1st base.
  18. I wouldn't want to hold the group up.
  19. The sides fully cover the ankles...you would have to get run over by a car to worry about rolling your ankle in these I would imagine. And then, you'd have other more important issues to deal with.
  20. Gently Used. Black with black toe sliders. I have the red ones somewhere in the house..they've never been used. $100
  21. I drove by the aftermath of this yesterday. Right before the 83 exit heading southbound. The bike was on the truck already. There was a car involved...it was still on the highway. There were EMT's and cops with rubber gloves and one of those measuring 'sticks' marking off the distance of what I assumed was the start of the accident. My first instinct was to text or call someone from here but I didn't want to create ANOTHER accident.
  22. I stay away for a little while and we're all riding scooters now.
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