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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. 9 year old Xeon 2.66, GeForce 7800 (the last great AGP video card?). I don't FPS much (at all) on this thing...but I miss gaming on the PC because of the increased accuracy a mouse and keyboard gives you. *sigh*
  2. In the fuel pool, not the reactor, unit 4. This comes from the head of the NRC. TEPCO disputes this. It's up to the public to decide who to believe I guess. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110317/ap_on_bi_ge/us_japan_quake_spent_fuel
  3. The word is, fuel rods are 100% exposed in one of the reactors. Nope. Nothing to worry about. Just stay indoors and you'll be fine.
  4. It's $41.96 (Homefront) on Amazon with a $15 game credit on future purchases. FYI
  5. Stop listening to the radio. I agree 100% with the above statements, except that it can't go any further. It's been going 'further' for a while, you just don't hear it on constant rotation on the damn radio. There's lots of Rap/Hip Hop out there that doesn't suck: Big Boi/Andre 2000/OutKast Common Slum Village B.O.B. The Roots ....
  6. We call that Nassatall No Ass At All
  7. I saw this trailer a few weeks ago...the motion capture is unreal. This game really looks and feels...well....real. Lead development was the PC...and this is the game that may make me put a new rig together finally.
  8. In my book, they already are. Are we going to start a pool on when the movie is coming out? Cuz you know it's coming.
  9. I agree....there is a LOT the Japanese are not divulging. And yeah...the radiation levels inside the reactor are most likely lethal. I read somewhere that the agency in Japan that decides what is a 'safe' amount of radiation to be exposed to, bumped the figure up in the past few days so there wouldn't be the appearance of the company/government breaking the law. WTF?!?! Normally, I admire and are somewhat envious of certain aspects of Japanese (and other Asian countries) culture, but when it comes to matter like this...I just have to shake my head.
  10. This is exactly what is happening. A crew of 50 out of about 450 or so has been staying there trying to cool it down. It's not surprising to me...I'm sure the same thing would happen in this country. They are probably rotating in and out...but I can't even imagine what the radiation levels are like inside the building. Radiation levels seem to be fluctuating...that's why they were pulled out and put back back in when it was 'safe'. To me, this signals that we're watching a disaster in slow motion. Things aren't totally out of their control, but they are headed that way. But then again, I'm not there so what do I know.
  11. CNN is reporting that the government has 'suspended operations' at the plant. Meaning, they've told everyone to get the fuck outta dodge. Add to this, that there is a NEW fire and I think that any notion that the media is hyping this can officially jump the shark. The situation is bad, mmmkay? Unfortunately, you won't hear the Japanese government admit it until it's too late.
  12. InyaAzz

    Browser fun!

    Um, thanks..I think?
  13. Yeah I'm not sure how the media is sensationalizing this. It's bad, no matter how you look at it. If anything, the Japanese government (I understand it's part of the culture) is doing more harm by not being totally honest about the situation. That being said, I understand they don't want people to panic...but I think they owe it to the population to inform them.
  14. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/16/world/asia/16contain.html?pagewanted=all
  15. This. I believe he could be totally drug free at this point. BUT...at some point it's not going to be enough and he's going to swing in the other direction and start using heavily. Right now, he doesn't need the drugs because he's on a drug induced self high. Addicts around the world are jealous.
  16. I love this bike. One time when you weren't looking, I finger banged her for a few seconds. She said she'd never tell. Seriously though..if this ride had a fat tire kit on the back I would snap it up in a second.
  17. My Section 8 is your Section 8 There's plenty of hair left in the 'fun zone'
  18. He's exhibiting clinical signs of hypomanical behavior. I don't think he's acting at this point...I believe HE generally believes everything he says. Plus he looks like utter shit. Mark my words...this isn't going to end pretty.
  19. I liked this song better when Madonna sang it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsVcUzP_O_8
  20. Charlie needs some serious medical help. I know we're all laughing at him right now and it makes for good entertainment fodder, but dude is obviously manic, and it's going to get worse before it gets better.
  21. Why does combining all three of these together on a Saturday night sound like a lot of fun?
  22. So what did I miss? Charlie Sheen goes on a bender (please get this man some help) and Jim Tressel/OSU likes to get paid above anything else. Beyond that..I assume there haven't been any Coshocton bang ups over the winter. Anything else?
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