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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The guys I were with ended up having a gun orgy at my place Friday night. All of our weapons were pretty limp and tired by Saturday. We hit 26 and 260 Saturday....best part of the day.
  2. but...I would think the ass less chaps would only give me away as I was riding AWAY from the LEO??? I need to rethink my gear selection. Black Tod was invited (yesterday), but he had some white women to turn out. Priorities.
  3. 555 is in shit shape. Much better roads in south Ohio. FYI, I've run it twice in the last month and I've run into LEO in the lower half both times.
  4. InyaAzz


    WOW. Just WOW. I missed this. I didn't know there was a contest for the worst open wound picture!!! Damn, at least I wasn't impaled on something...I can't even imagine. Heal up bro...you're too good a rider to let a silly thing like a hole in your finger keep you down. Wow.
  5. I've dealt with a few companies/banks that use NADA over KBB because of the alleged lower values.
  6. The not so funny part of this is, that's EXACTLY what it looks like!! Giddyup!!! Oh wait..
  7. Was the shift lever on his swingarm? Cuz he sucks at downshifting.
  8. Oh...sorry. I thought you meant that Justin should 'come out with the big boys', as in, come out of the closet, as in....you're gay.
  9. This is my favorite tire at the moment. I wish I would have seen this a few weeks ago...oh well.
  10. InyaAzz


    i guess i went off topic a little. i am talking about the ability to run backup games on the ps3. i know there was another exploit for ps3 earlier in the year but i dont know if its in the wild. i know folks use modded controllers on 360..don't know if that exists on ps3. some games have enough glitches in them that you would think someone had hacked it ...MW2 comes to mind. I stopped playing mw2 a while ago due to the glitches...and i'm not fan of using a hack against someone else for an advantage.
  11. Holidays are a bad time for 'spirited riding'. I think most folks are gonna be with their families or sleeping with their best friends wife. Not many rides going on.
  12. InyaAzz


    ps3 was finally cracked recently...and you only need to plug in a USB drive for the hack! Unfortunately (for some of us)...Sony shut down the sales.
  13. If suckin dick gets me this bike... http://www.entertonement.com/clips/zykqgwcycs--Suck-as-many-dicks-as-I-have-to
  14. Wow..this is some old shit. LOL My shit to be exact. I started this cause nobody in NEO was down for some organized rides! Everyone was just going to bike night and watching stunters. Times have a changed.
  15. Fuck that. Your lower limbs are a little too exposed for my liking. Hell, your whole body is a little too exposed for that kinda action. Put me in an inflatable body suit and I'm yours.
  16. Not to go too off topic of this post...but I cringe when someone who doesn't ride (or does ride) says that most accidents are the cause of the cager. I read the local papers online just about every day, and while I don't claim to be doing scientific research, almost EVERY SINGLE accident report involving a bike involves an idiot going too fast through a curve or losing control at some point. Yeah, there is the occasional stupid cager that didn't see the bike..but even then sometimes the bike is coming at such a high rate of speed that he/she is damn near invisible. I myself have been in a cage and on 2 and looked in a side mirror....looked away...looked back 2 seconds later just to see a bike that wasn't there 2 seconds ago getting ready to fly past me. Anyways...as much as cagers need to get shit for not watching out for us, I think we are our own worst enemies most of the time.
  17. I sold the only suit I had about 2 years ago. And sold my trailer a year ago. Since then it hasn't been on my radar. I'd much prefer to have a second bike for the track. But..honestly, I rarely commute on the bike anymore. It's just weekend riding in the twisties.
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