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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Me and Jschaf will be rolling right through Lodi after leaving Grafton around 6. it will take us 30 mins max (usually less than that) after we leave the 82/83 intersection.
  2. What direction will you be coming and @ what time? No need to stop...I'll roll out right behind you.
  3. Is anyone in NEO ...or more specifically the West side of CLE, and NOT trailering down..meeting up @ the Circle K in Grafton?
  4. I have to shake my head at that street sign every time I ride by.
  5. ^ Good idea, because I'm finding a few malls in the general area.
  6. I'm riding the rocket. The couch is for riding back and forth to work and what not. I tried to corner in that thing and all I do is grind pegs and fight against the 280 in the rear.
  7. I think he means the Speedway? 1618 S Washington St, Millersburg, OH
  8. Unfortunately, that's what I'll be doing. But..no better way to get the season started! Lots of stretching and ibuprofen will be had that day.
  9. Anyone on the west side of CLE can meet up at the Circle K on the corner of 82 and 83. Anyone coming from the east side who wants to roll with the group can catch us in Lodi near 71.
  10. Good things. Nice to hear ODOT actually gives a sh!t.
  11. So of course they drove two planes into them. Seems like the right thing to do.
  12. I've driven in the West Indies. Drivers are VERY aggressive. You absolutely HAVE to become just as aggressive or you'll cause an accident. That being said, this guy was an idiot. And the camera person just kept rollin'....
  13. The post should read "Beware of Elyria". I couldn't resist.
  14. I think I'll quit the internet today.
  15. The level of shit on OR has risen to unseen levels over the last year....IMHO. Lots of folks on the internet have diarrhea of the fingers behind their keyboard, but in a face to face situation they go silent. Oh...and PENIS.
  16. That pic you posted looked like it was during boat season. I'd expect it to be in the water.
  17. We're gonna lose the downlink from the helicopter. They know it's on the internet. Plus, copter is low on fuel.
  18. Educated guess..there's a boat trailer in the backyard. I think we have a winner.
  19. http://www.boston.com/whitecoatnotes/2013/04/19/beth-israel-deaconess-medical-staff-tried-revive-suspect-killed-shoot-out/M8rHR3XKQpH5Sked8HxCVO/story.html Reports say the wound was already there....but who knows.
  20. I could see a partial detonation maybe doing that...but IMHO that came from something external to the body.
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