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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. And she doesn't realize that we ALL know what she looks like now. Like we aren't gonna see her out and about on that fast ride of hers.
  2. AND FYI...shittygsxr's gf is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and VERY thin. So b/f you sling words you should know what you're talking about. Wow. This is getting so freaking funny guys!
  3. OK so I haven't read but only 2 pages of this thread. Wow. This is not the way to make friends and riding buddies on here. The majority of these guys have VERY pretty wives, girlfriends, etc. And the majority of girls that are riders on this site are also VERY pretty girls! Everyone has different career choices. It doesnt' make them any less of a person. Now if I missed something b/c of my lack of reading and many were joking here I apologize deeply but this comment was like WOW.
  4. True statement! Robin's bike is SWEEEEEET!!!! And she's got a rockin body!
  5. Julie! I came to your page to thank you & Justin for the other night. Well really you since YOU answered your phone. :) THEN I noticed those guns on your arms! NICE! I miss mine. :(

  6. Ya Charles introduced me to that application. Now I can really be an internet stalker.
  7. I leave to take care of a couple of patients for a bit and now someones shoving their spark plugs in my keyhole?
  8. Ha when you showed up I told you what I wrote. SORRY CHARLES!!!! ;) You forever have my gratitude!
  9. OH he's talking showing me some bike parts. He knows not to run his mouth anymore about guys and me. Huh Lance! And sorry I forgot to return your text last night but obviously you see what I was doing.
  10. Whitey I am so clueless when it comes to the maintenance on my bike. I hate that I do not hold the knowledge base to fix things. GRRR! I even pay people to do the oil changes. How sad is that?
  11. I'm so darn sad about football season this year. This is the first time in 4 years that I don't have access to season tix!
  12. Chris I came to leave you a comment on here and I'm the ONLY one who's left you a comment. What up wit dat???? I even forgot what I was going to write??!!! :) Having a blonde moment!

  13. John when did you change your screen name? Man you got home quickly! Once again thanks!!! What's up with the new name Dredd??
  14. Well I had to meet a friend up at Easton for dinner today for her birthday....or so I thought. I got to the cheesecake factory to find out she and her 10 guests were at Polaris. GRRRRR!!! Sooooo I was starving and now VERY late for her dinner. Little did know that things were about to get worse. I was pulling out of Easton in front of Macy's and my bike just died. It was like I hit the kill switch and I didn't! I tried turning the key on and NOTHING! Not ONE person stopped to help. What's a gal to do??? I attempted to call a couple different friends but nobody was picking up so I called Putty knowing him and his wife lived the closest. Well Putty and the crew were all up at QSL. 15 mintues later I had 4 wonderful riders come to help me out. It turns out that the wires to my neg on the battery were VERY loose. They fixed it and we were on our way. I never did get dinner at the cheesecake factory but I did get some taco hell and learned that some people are willing to go out of their way to help you out. I just wanted to say THANK YOU GUYS!!!! You totally rock!
  15. Shushhhhh! Although other people may think otherwise I am still very very single yota. So the answer is a solid NO WAY! And I'm ALWAYS nice to you Kevin! Betta recognize.
  16. YOTA I likes ur hairs just the ways they ares!
  17. Interesting???? Not so much but Mandie and I are pretty darn sweeeeeet!
  18. so is mine and i've been on here a LONG time. "somebody" gave me negative rep for wishing bornsinner a happy birthday. hahaha. freakin hilarious!
  19. Weazle lubs ur body! Woot Woot! Almost as much as I heart your hair!
  20. ya right! Tell us some more fibs Charles! You never come out anymore.
  21. I'm having dinner at the cheesecake factory with a friend. Sorry have fun guys!
  22. U putting your clothes and stuff in your saddle bags or putting all the crap in my car?
  23. i saw u on my friend page and had NO clue who you were silly!!! :) What brought on the change?

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