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OK since this site is FULL of guys.... I just purchased new car a couple of days ago. I'm wanting to get a parrot blue tooth installed in my car b/c I didn't want that $6000 navigation/bluetooth system added into my lease. Lexus referred me to cols car audio (who does all their installations I guess) and gave me a price of $269 installed. Its the CK 3100 model (which is all I really need). Anyhoo, I checked online and you can purchase them for as little as $128. Does anyone know anything about installing these....meaning does it really cost $141 to do this type of installation??? Obviously I don't know how to do it but is it really that hard of a job???
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Folding-Fold-Stand-Up-4x8-Motorcycle-Toy-Hauler-Trailer_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34284QQihZ024QQitemZ370021194980QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW OK I hope this link from Ebay works. I like this one BUT I need a trailor that can pull an ATV too. I am getting one of those probably end of this season or beginning of next and will have to transport that as well. OK and for something like this...how the heck am I gonna b able to get my bike up on such a small ramp. It surely will b another "timber" moment.
OK so I went and looked on craiglist. I feel like a fish out of water b/c I have NO idea what to look for. Thanks though.
OK so I thought I would post this on here to get some "other" opinions. I don't know if this is the appropriate place to post this but o'well. Anyhoo, I just purchased a new SUV yesterday. Finally got rid of that darn depreciating Jetta. Woohoo!! I need to get a trailor to haul my bike. I want an open bed. Does anyone have any suggestions about brand, type, size, etc. etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!! NinjaNick u r sooooooo on point. Some people r so miserable in their lives b/c they have sought out a job based merely on income. WRONG MOTIVES!!! I will graduate with my master's degree in a few short months. I make good money now but my pay will only increase by maybe 15K a year...still a little under "six figures" as everyone puts it. I could go into a field that I would get bumped up at least 40K a year BUT I want to specialize in palliative medicine/hospice. The billing isn't the greatest in these areas especially hospice b/c physicians usually refer late to hospice (esp. if they r an oncology pt...that's someone with cancer). It is impossible to recoup some of the front money we put out for these patients when they die in the first few weeks. But once again I am not going into this field b/c of money. If I wanted that I would have gone to medical school and specialized in plastics!!! Ya, I want to do breast augmentations the rest of my life!!! May be helping some of the American boys out BUT not really improving the quality of someone's existence. Anyhoo, there's my 2 cents!
Well as a health care provider I can assure you that the more we mind our "own back yard" the more insurance premiums will indeed rise. Obesity, smoking, ETOH (alcohol consumption > 2 drinks/day), sedentary lifestyles, etc. are all CONTROLLABLE risk factors for an acute cardiac event which usually leads to congestive heart failure if it did not cause sudden death at onset. Some stats: Prevalance: estimated 13,200,000 in the USA 2001 (American Heart Association, 2004). Incidence: 1,200,000 per year, 100,000 per month, 23,076 per week, 3,287 per day, 136 per hour, 2 per minute, 0 per second. (new diagnosis). If we as Americans don't realize that this DOES indeed increase our insurance premiums we are being naive. In addition, to cardiac diseas I don't even want to discuss other diseases that some of these risk factors attribute to....lung cancer, diabetes, HTN (hypertension), COPD, etc. I get sick patients coming into the office and wanting me to prescribe a "pill" (quick fix) to their problems when they simply need to get on the tread mill and change thier lifestyle. All the meds they want have side effects ya know. Some of them can be devastating. You have to gauge benefit vs. risk. I understand smoking cessation is HARD!!! I smoked 2ppd for almost 8 years. I LOVED my marlboro mediums BUT I also love the fact that I can run 6 or 7 miles now and NOT get short of breath. My insurance premiums ARE lower b/c I'm considered a non smoker and b/c it's been 8 years since I quit I now have an extra 20 years to live (God forbide "something" unforseen happens...genetic anomalies, etc.). I know I am on a rant here but we can't allow ignorance to creep into our minds if we actually want to see change in America. We live in the greatest country in the world and I am always going to acknowledge that. One person CAN make a difference!!!!! Anyhoo, I pray I didn't upset anyone by this. Knowledge is power and the more we know the more we can be in control of our futures.
Did you ask if the surgeons would be willing to take a lesser amount due to self pay? I've taken the policy and politics course in grad school BUT I'm not getting into that debate. I work at the James and I know that if our patients are self pay they get a 30% discount. I know that doesn't seem like much but when a treatment for colon cancer costs about 300K that makes a big difference. Also what we think is poverty might be quite a different story to the hospital. My aunt just went through 3 rounds of chemo b/f she died at age 47 in september. She was a "stay at home mom" and my uncle only made 12/hr. That is obviously above poverty limits but they qualified for medicaid and got everything paid for. Plus, everything was retroactive. Thank God b/c the bill from the James was well over 600K with all the surgeries, chemo, etc. Just a thought.
I second that one. The first year my ex started to try to race we probably spent close to 25K. But that was going to early track days at barber, buying tons of equipment, protection, mods for the bike, etc. THANK GOD I can spend my $$$ on me now. Yay!!! You boys have had quite a "conversation" since I last posted. Glad u got it worked out!!! And NinjaNick....even if I don't need a back protector for the novice group I'm ever so fearful of going down and want all the protection I can get!!!
Mums the word and I don't know who Bill is. This person was a "wannabe" as u put it. Don't think he's into it anymore. BAD break up and not gonna talk about the past. Looking to my bright future. lol. I simply brought that up just to show that I knew what I was talking about. Anyhoo, thanks for the information.
I wasn't calling you a novice per se. I just notice alot of guys on here treating women like I felt you just did. No offense to you. I am a researcher and being a previous trauma room nurse I've seen the devasting effects of not wearing proper equipment. Thus, as Julia Roberts would say...."I'm a safety girl". lol. The reason I bought a separate set is b/c I feel way too confined in a one piece. I know it's weird but that's just the way I am. I have NO desire to ever race. I am sure I will be the slowest person on the track. The ONLY reason I want to get on the track is b/c I am having issues with corner speeds, what lines to take in turns, etc. etc. etc. I'm sick of people in groups simply leaving me and not having navigation to get me back home can be quite scary sometimes. I need a controlled environment where I don't have to worry about cars in the opposite direction crossing over. My pants already have pucks. The ONLY thing I need to be "legal" on the track is a zipper for my bottoms and an extra back protector. If I were to buy another suit it would be much more than a simple zipper b/c I enjoy quality and I usually am willing to pay the price. Iron pony gave me a phone number last february when I bought the stuff but I lost it in my home somewhere during remodeling. Boohoo!!! And one more thing...he is my EX. Not current.
I'm NOT "skimping" as you put it. I bought all the gear at Iron Pony last year in the mind set of doing track days. My top has a zipper already...just the pants don't. It was an expensive set that WILL protect me. I am well versed in protective equipment for the track. My ex husband used to race and I bought/picked out ALL his protective equipment. For all the numerous times he went down and didn't get a scratch on him I think I did pretty good. I probably know more about that than most "novice" men on here getting ready to race b/c I've been through the process. No offense boys. I'm not the average female. Sewing zippers in leathers isn't done by a "normal" seamstress that's why I asked if anyone knew. I'm NOT trying to race...I simply want to practice my turns in a controlled environment.
so I'm planning on doing some track days for sure this season. Last year I only had my jetta but his year I'm trading that in for an rx 330/350....yay I'll finally have a hitch for a trailor. My question: Does anyone know who can sew a 360 degree zipper into some leathers. I bought the separate top and bottoms. I have everything else u could possibly need except that. And if any WOMEN want to get to the track it is MUCH cheaper 4 us.
Well I decided to choose my career/education instead of a family (for now). IF the right man came around (meaning he's help with childrearing JUST as much as me) then I may consider ONE rugrat. Everytime I think about it though I also think about all the toys I could have instead of children!!! And Whitey is right. I can send Rae Lyn & little Nick HOME after they tear up my house, pee on my big huge beautiful bed, etc. etc. lol. Love kids but maybe not for me. Geez I sure am long winded. Betcha guys wish I didn't start posting!!!
How in the world do u post pics on these forums? I wanted to insert some of my pics from the show and don't know how to use the URL image link??? I'm pretty clueless when in comes to computers!
OMG...Ben I LUV that pic!!! Serves him right for posting that CRAP online about my shirt!!!!
BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! No I don't have ANY children. I am 33 and still not sure if I want children or not. Those kids in the pic are my niece and nephew...the most beautiful kiddies in the world. I'm a proud aunt & trying to start them out young with the horsepower!!!
posting just to see if my sig photo is working....I may need some help.
And I wasn't drinking rolling rock on my birthday. Yuck!!!! I was at BOMA drinking stawberry stoli baybreezes with some co-workers!!! I didn't know they still made that beer. Barf!
OMG...I totally forgot I put my "myspace" link on here. That's how long it's been since I've been on here. John Lippian actually took that pic that ninja guy stole from my page (and I don't think ur a stalker...maybe a geek like Ben wrote...lol...j/k). I was a little timid to be riding my new bike home so John rode it home for me and then got stuck taking pics for me. And the "Timber" nickname came when I was going on my first ohioriders event when steph and charles stopped really quickly....my bike just feel over at the stop light by the sunoco on route 3 (by iron pony). My bike was too tall for me!! Poor Charles had to pick my bike up for me. I was ever soooo embarrassed!!!!! I did finally purchase a pair of boots per Chris's (bananas) suggestion. Now I'm fine. Haven't dropped my bike since then. Hope I didn't just jinx myself. So there u have it boys! Got anything else for me????
It takes MUCH more than a couple of guys to scare me away. hehe. I'm pretty easy going and I will try to be more "active" with my posts. Now I just have to try to figure out how to get a pic up next to my screen name and I will be good to go!
I do think Mandie's bike is pretty sexy....still has nothing on that new all black R1. That is sex on wheels!!!! Different strokes for different folks I guess!
OK, Carie...this is per your request!! I'm not really a "newbie" but it's cold outside so I'm not on here much. Plus, I'm in grad school until May when I FINALLY graduate. Yeah!!! I promise I will try a little harder to post more often. My name is Sara and I have an '06 GSXR 600. It's my 2nd bike BUT I still suck at riding. I'm hoping to get to the track this season so I can get in a controlled environment and trust myself in the turns. I may be a little slower than Carie in turns....lol. I'm just kidding Carie!!! I actually take my time just like u....don't want to be road kill. I so want to be more aggressive though. So if anyone wants to know anything else about me I'm an open book!!! Just send me a PM.