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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Well I don't plan on adding any controversy to this one.
  2. Sorry I missed this whole thread nick! Glad you're ok buddy!
  3. I know and you even gave me some pos rep for my medical crap last night! Ahhh some people just can't appreciate. LOL. j/k.
  4. lance you neva answers this gals question about psychos????????????????????????????????????????????????
  5. We're talking about mortality not incidence rates. Sorry to high jack your thread dubguy.
  6. Oh Todd silly guy! HIV ALWAYS turns into AIDS. Eventually the antivirals, protease inhibitors, etc. stop working. HIV is a very smart virus. HIV has turned from an acute illness into more of a chronic illness but nevertheless the end result is always the same. A person's ability to get sick with HIV is dependant upon their viral load, CD4 count, and other things. So yes I was comparing apples to apples. If stoner has been this sick for this long from "HIV" I can assure you he is in the AIDS category for the moment if that was what he really has contracted. You were challenging my knowledge base about what I was referencing. I may not know much about some things but I have studied a few medical books in my time and taken care of a few patients in my short life span thus far. I think we just need to agree to disagree as always. You don't like me that's apparent. I told you I didn't care but please lets just drop this sir.
  7. Todd a person getting killed by a bus is like comparing apples to oranges. The reason a person with pneumonia or the flu that dies can be a direct result of AIDS is b/c AIDS lowers your CD4 count to the point you have no immune system to fight the virus like a normal healthy person like you and I could. That's why the elderly and young children were the main patient populations expiring from the swine flu.
  8. Thanks for showing me the way out on Sunday! :)

  9. Ya Riverside is a few miles north of downtown off 315. You know where all the construction is. You can apply online with Ohiohealth. Make sure you state that you want the riverside campus if that is the case. There is also grant hospital downtown but your clients are going to be completely different than at riverside. The big hospital systems you can always apply to online. There's mount carmel (mt carmel east, mt carmel west, st. anns). Then OSU/James Cancer Hospital/Ross Heart hospital/OSU East. There is the VA hospitals that you can apply to online as well.
  10. Todd I know that Influenza AND PNA (pneumonia) combined is the 8th leading cause of death per the CDC. I do know what mortality rates are. That is basic medicine but you have to take into account the amount of those pneumonia cases that were a direct result of AIDS, etc. Plus you only wrote the "swine" flu. The swine flu has not killed more people that AIDS. So if you want to continue to lay on the condescention then bring it on. If you haven't noticed this is an online forum and your words of "encouragement" are not going to affect my medical knowledge base, my career choice, or my income. If you have issues with your self esteem and need to consistently critisize others then that is your choice. But let it be known that I don't care what you think of me sir. And FYI...I was being extremely facetious with the "cupcake" comment. I don't need your compliments. I get enough from others that truly care about me.
  11. Lance what is your definition of "psyco bitches"? Just wondering b/c I have so many guy friends that reference a girl as "crazy" if she calls him one too many times just b/c he wasn't man enough to tell her he's not interested. There are several other examples of females NOT being psycho but I'm not going there. And Steve....oh sorry STEVEN be nice. Not everyone wants to go out tappin bootie with everything that moves.
  12. You guys knew what I meant. And cupcake is my family nickname so thanks.
  13. Danielle you also have to think about what hospital/extended care facility you want to work at. You don't want to be like me and live in reynoldsburg/pataskala area and drive 40 minutes to and from work every day. I work at Riverside hospital. I love my job but the drive is freakin crazy! When I built my home I was working at Mt Carmel East. It was a 10 minute drive to work if I got there by 0700. Now I don't go into work until 0800 or 0815 and Broad street is insanely busy. Just something to think about. FYI...the doc I'm working with this week is the medical director at the laurels and whetstone. If you're interested in either one of those nursing homes I can have him ask around to see if they are hiring. I believe he also works at St. Angelines but not sure if he's medical director there or not.
  14. Big garage? I only had a one car garage. It was 1300 sq feet inside tho! That was nice b/c I'm a pack rat! I did LOVE the pool area tho. That is what I miss about my home now but enough of my friends have pools I guess. Danielle this actually is a nice place to live but the rent is a bit pricey. I'm not sure what the one bedrooms go for but my apt was $890 ten years ago. Aerik do you know what they are going for now a days? It was cbus police when I was there. I have never had issues with cbus cops. Mainly gahanna and reynoldsburg. Heck even pataskala police are better than reynoldsburg. I used to live over by tussing 13 years back and had my car broken into right in front of my home. I left my garage door open for 30 minutes...ran in the house for something...came back out and my brothers speakers (15 inch fosgate punches...think thats what they were) were gone! They were hidden way back too. People in that area have some major balls!
  15. Yes it's a virus. I just meant that influenza is usually curable if your immune system is intact. HIV is always terminal at some point.
  16. Let's hope it is something viral like that versus HIV. Yikes! Hope he gets better soon!
  17. I'm sure they wouldn't mind......
  18. only if I can build RIGHT NEXT TO YOU Brian! :grin:
  19. hey I lived in alexander court b/f I bought my house. 157 hither creek. hehe. Ya I NEVER had any problems with the police force back then BUT reynoldsburg police are the worst police force I have ever dealt with. I cannot wait til the housing market gets better so I can build somewhere else!
  20. You bringin ur girlie? Or is she working 10 million hours tonight?
  21. Well Garrett you should know b/c of Kristen that OSU does pay more for having a BSN vs. an associates. I think it's like a dollar or so more an hour but it does add up. It may be different in the new ONA contract. I could be wrong tho???
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