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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Aww he's very cute! Jeff you didn't tell him to watch out for his dog eating his own poop like Jenna and Essen do OR that they eat cute little bunny rabbits that get trapped in your back yard. Tuna fish cans? Spoonin? You didn't warn him bout lots of stuff like you did me. Now I'm scared to get a puppy!
  2. I'm staying at the westin downtown (next to champs) but I returned your pm stating that!
  3. Congrats Greg! Now what are you going to do with all that extra time?
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you're feeling better!
  5. People laugh all the time at my BRIGHT PINK leather riding jacket but I feel like it makes me more visible. When I wear my track gear that is darker in color I always have more cars pulling out in front of me, etc.
  6. Oh NO I've got 3 cats at my house already. Reilly is 16 (has a terminal cancer), Junior is 15, and Nana is 2. Junior has been peeing all over my house the last few weeks b/c Reilly's cancer is starting to rapidly progress and so now the behavioral issues come with the other one! GRRR. Yes I love cats but these are a bit older and my heart is already breaking from my Reilly Bean not being here too much longer. Plus, it's costing me $120 a month just for pain meds, antibiotics, and soft cat food. I'm sure someone else on here would be nice enough! Come on guys there cute little pussy cats!
  7. Sorry guys! Oh and I'm really sorry Jeffrey Blosser! I won't call you out of character anymore....well at least in public!
  8. LOL THANKS for the keyboard advice buddy! For some reason he does get under my skin. I cannot stand consistently mean people. They all just need to go away or get some major counseling! ha!

  9. MJ is feeding it just as much as us! I'm leaving work now! Peace out!
  10. Ummm I was in a buisness suite and a turtle neck steven. And I don't ever pull over for anybody unless I know them but I will call the police if they are stranded to send help if i don't see them on a cell phone.
  11. That is so not true. Example...back in january/feb we had that snow storm. I was getting off of 270 and my tire blew out right in front of BWR on Broad. I pulled into the gas station and could not get the darn tire off to change the spare. It was like 5 degrees outside. The plow truck driver stopped and helped. He then could not get the darn tire off (lexus has crazy ways on keeping tires on) so another male came over to help. They were both a bit older and asked nothing in return. I offered money but they wouldn't take it. They asked nothing of me and said have a nice day and stay warm. They were just good people helping out someone stranded. There are good people out there still.
  12. Ahhh, where abouts in reynoldsburg. I live off of broad/summit in summit ridge subdivision (behind taylor woods SD). You close to there? :D:D I can pick up tonight if you're not busy! PM please.
  13. Oh nothing like you think Mr. A. More like condescending, high maintenance, obnoxious, loud, inappropriate at times. BUT then he usually follows it up with tons of good attributes I have. He tries to balance it out. Actually we haven't argued in quite a LONG time. We didn't even fight that much during his last girlfriend. Shocking! haha.
  14. So one table? I'll call u if I can't get anything by then. Pick up Friday if needed or busy?

  15. Hahahaha! You knew what I meant. We actually just give eachother the silent treatment AFTER I have my Pratt-Attack on you!
  16. Well he's called me much worse. We have been in more cat fights than any other friends I have.
  17. I'm not even going to read that link. There are selfless people out there. They are just a dying breed.
  18. That is not true Steven. Not everyone is about chasing tail and selfish. Some people are kind and have it in their agenda to serve others. Yes MJ is beautiful but even if she wasn't there are still people out there that are always willing to help with pure motives.
  19. MJ there are actually some really nice guys out there. Glad you got out and about.
  20. What did you edit for sir? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  21. Well everyone knows I have enough of that to go around. LOL. I knock random people over on accident from my "badonkadonk".
  22. Kreator is very much secure in his manhood! He'll be on soon enough and have multitudes to say. I'm sure I'll get a butt chewin later today.
  23. Yes Jeff is my BFF and I try to embarrass him every chance I get!
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