I wouldn't be that concerned about your gender with this ride. I've ridden with them all b/f and they're cool peeps. Plus some usually have a female on the back!
Ummm I think I wrote that I rethought what I said to the dude AND was a bit under the influence when I said it. It was Mexico and all inclusive. The drinks were quite abundant down there!
Oh PLEASE don't insult me! I'm just for safety. If they can legislate seatbeats why not this? It was just a fleeting thought through this crazy brain of mine.
Ya someone suggested a flat black helmet with a black jacket! Darn I may have to retire my pink jacket! Shucks! Owell I'd make any bike look sweet..until I tip it ova! heheehehehehe!
Ya but I've been wanting one for 3 years now! I'm not going to purchase on until my second mortage is paid off next year. I have to be smart about it! So I have to time to rethink what I'm gonna get! The night rod special is pretty sexy tho! You at least have to admit that!
I was going to get a liter bike for my second bike but my exhusbands R1 scared the hell out of me in first gear! I'm still learning my black beauty that I have now! Now I have no desire to upgrade for power! Just give me a VRod with my GSXR and we'll be one big happy family!
Soooo I had a conversation with a guy in Mexico last week that recently started riding. He said he bought a ninja 250 b/c all his friends suggested that was a good starter bike to purchase. I of course was unable to rationalize at 2am and lots of baybreezes and started laughing. Then after thinking this really isn't that bad of a bike for a guy to purchase for his first bike....right?? I understand the rationale for a female buying one but was just wondering if any other guys from here had a 250 for their first bike and if so what was your reasoning???