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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. I wish I had the time for a dog. I want to get a doberman. I need a dog I can run with. Those little ones won't be able to keep up. I'm still not sure where I'm gonna be working and hours so it's not fair to get a dog. Boo!!! Plus they are just like kids and we all know on here that that's not happening. Does your wife work? I'm curious how people can manage a career, gym, life, etc. and a dog. They are soooo needy.
  2. OMG...u guys suck! I was actually looking at this thread b/c I was thinking of getting another kitten (I have 2 cats already...14 and 15 years old). To my surprise it was nothing of the sort. I am sick to my stomach now. This is exactly why I keep my reilly bean and junior boonier in the house at ALL times.
  3. OMG Whitey I can't believe u got that pic of me with the chicken. It's all Charles' fault!!! His wings were FABULOUS!! I think I ate like 15 of them. lol. I had a blast over there!!! Thanks for the invite. You & Robin r quite the hosts.
  4. Yes you will! My first bike was a buell blast...500cc single cylinder. Very small bike. I "thought" I'd be able to ride it a few years and then upgrade. I was ready for another bike within a few months. I got bored really quick...plus I was dating a guy that had an R1 and I could NOT keep up. I'm still learning on my bike...still the slowest girl on this site but I am very happy with my bike. It is heavy and the first month I had it I dropped it 3 times at stop signs (and one red light hence getting the nickname timber in the group). You're 2 inches taller than me so that will help. I was forced to get a suzuki b/c they are the shortest for females without lowering it (the newer ones anyway). You can also get boots that will add a few inches on you. Take everyone else's advice and do the course (study for the temp test b/c it's harder than what u think). Then go to some shops and start sitting on the bikes to see what feels comfortable to you. Make sure you make some friends on the board that know what they are talking about and take one with you when ur serious about buying. Most of the people on here are pretty friendly. Oh IF you want a cruiser that is going to be a whole different ball game. There are more to choose from where u r flat footed BUT they are much heavier. Hopefully this time next year I will have a VRod to add to my collection! Hope some of this helped! Sorry if its a repeat but I'm not reading the whole darn thread! And WELCOME!!!!!
  5. State tested nursing assistant GArrett (its on here profile). The job market is the same though since she's certified. LOTS of opportunities out there! With gas prices the way they r...why don't u go to a hospital and work 12 hours shifts. That's only 3 days a week of driving and GREAT INSURANCE.
  6. Well Nick.....in order to be a medflight nurse you need at least 5 years of ED experience in a level one trauma center with multiple other certifications. It's not like it's rural metro or some other transport company carting around a patient that has learned to tube someone but never had the opportunity to do it. These people are trained to save your life and have done so on a regular basis. They are the only ones in the helicoptor to save your life IF you become a trauma arrest. I know it's a lot of money. It sucks but they save a lot of people's lives. Plus there's lots of overhead too. It's not like nurses get paid that much money for the responsibility they hold. There's my 2 cents.
  7. I'm assuming it's Ohio time b/c that would be 11pm b/f the game would start in ohio then. Thanks!!!
  8. Sat, Sep 13 OSU vs. USC at Los Angeles, Calif. 8:00 p.m. Does anyone know what time the races are over on Saturday? As you can see above OSU is playing at 8pm. It's supposed to be broadcast on ABC. I'm assuming all festivities are over by this time. Just checking. I NEVER miss an OSU game whether it's by TV or being in the stands. Any info??? Thanks.
  9. So I guess I'm the only one who goes to church. I have service every Sunday morning @ 0900. I stay late b/c now that I'm done with school I will be serving at the church. Count me out. Sorry. Would have been fun though.
  10. Haha...the services for my car are $300. I miss paying for services on my previous car. I know 105 seems expensive compared to your car but your car has 4 wheels as opposed to 2 like your bike. There more of a chance for injury if something comes loose or malfunctions on a bike. For me I don't mind paying the price b/c its a safety issue. I was lucky for the first few services last season b/c I was dating a tech but now I have to pay for it myself. You can also search around for a bike technician that is certified to work on your bike. I know one so I can send u a PM with his name if you would like.
  11. I'm not ANTI-boob...lol. I see at least 25 sets of breast a day at work! hehe. It's just that I didn't feel it was appropriate to put her breasts on an online forum. She's a really sweet girl and had a few drinks when the pics were taken. It was meant to be a joke. I am an EXTREMELY conservative person when it comes to nudity....and well pretty much everything else in my life. hehe. I've got my reasons for it. Plus don't most of you have wives and gf's??? Look at them! In my humble opinion I feel it is disrespectful to consistently look at another woman's body if you are in a commited relationship. That is even if you will NEVER have a chance of being with those women (and u ALL know u will never have a chance with Christina Agruelara...I know i spelled her name wrong). We all have opinions and that is my take on things. I'm know being on a forum that is male dominated will surely have pics of lightly dressed females. I don't post in those threads. That's just my preference. As smuck eluded to....I am long winded. Thanks for reading my book!
  12. First of all...Garrett that is nasty. You can tell u live with a nurse. We all nasty like dat. Secondly I'm gonna be in Toledo hangin with my 4 year old niece and 5 year old nephew this Saturday. God help me!!!!!
  13. If you guys notice I put that I am NOT posting the pics her breasts. We (us girls) were just playing around when we took the pic. I can see why those of you who REALLY know me are staying away from all the boob crap. THANK YOU FELLAS!!!! I was posting the pics to show people that the lodge can b a fun time & some pics of the culmination of 4 years of hell (aka graduation...lol). I guess I've learned my lesson about having more discretion in threads.
  14. Ya did u see my fan with the water bottle attached? I would NOT have made it through those 3 hours without it! Congrats to you....what was your degree in? Yes NinjaNick it was a Master of Science degree. My specialty is adult health and illness nursing. I am officially eligible to become a Nurse Practioner now. Speaking of that.....I have a 5 hour interview this morning with Bone Marrow Transplant at the James!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Wish me luck. Thank you EVERYONE for the congrats!
  15. Ya I went in one by one and fixed it! THANKS!!!
  16. Oh snap!!!! Can anyone figure out why the pics from the lodge are so small????
  17. Sorry these are getting posted so late BUT I had my graduation and party this past week. Liz I'm NOT posting the one of your boobs. Rachel, Princesspratt, GSXRnurse. Rachel, GSXR nurse,ShittyGSXR, Princesspratt, John, & Mclovin. Ducati row. Squids in attendance.... My bike... Me on VROD dave's bike: And the most important pics of the week..... (me at my party) Me in the shoe with the other 6000 graduates....such a small ceremony!
  18. GSXR nurse....is this a good day???? That's 6 weeks to lose what we need to lose! Hint, Hint, Hint..... I want to go darn it!
  19. I have asthma so I have in order for me to be able to breathe when I run more than 3 or 4 miles it has to be below 80. dude it's been in the 90's with tons of humidity. That's freakin HOT to me! Besides I run b/t 8 and 10pm every night. It's my night cap.
  20. It's gonna be a little cooler tonight so I'm opting out on QS for a nice long run!
  21. BAHAHAHA...you haven't seen me ride! I am sure I am the slowest person on this forum. That's why I don't mind riding without gear every once in a blue moon. I would like to learn how to do a wheelie though. Just for my own satisfaction.
  22. Well I have to admit I was sort of a "squid" this past Friday. I had graduation practice in the shoe and it was close to 95 degrees. I live in Pataskala and didn't want to waste more gas driving the SUV. It was so darn hot when I was leaving my house I left the jacket and boots in the garage. I rode with a teeshirt, jeans, gloves, tennis shoes, and helmet. Does that constitue being a squid????
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