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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. My exhusband had this really queer lookin (no offense) thing that looked like something from outerspace. lol. It was very thin and mad out of a material similiar to what nike makes with their dri fit. It was $150 just for that but it did keep the sweat off his skin. He got it through a vendor at one of the wera races. But beware b/c when he went down and got injured they put him in c-spine precautions and had to go into the ED with that crap on. It was the laugh of the day for the ED staff.
  2. So speaking of track days. Is anyone going on a track day AFTER June 8th. That's when I graduate and have NO time on w/e's until then. I have a trailer hitch on my SUV and I think I'm gonna take Yota's advice and just rent a trailor for my first time out to see if I really like it. If I do then I'll get me an enclosed trailor. Anyhoo, if anyone is going up to one of STT track days please let me know so I can tag along. There is only one other female (that I know) that does track days and I've asked her several times to go with me but it consistently falls on deaf ears. Thus, I will do the usual and tag along with the boys IF anyone will have me. lol. If anyone has any dates set up...Just shoot me a PM.....
  3. I got to see it that night you were busy in their kitchen sniffing my purple stilletos. Geez....thought u knew. OR YOU COULD JUST GRAB KEVIN!!!!
  4. WEll I think most of us have seen it in "someone's" garage.
  5. I don't think this pic can do it justice. It's a perty bike!!!!
  6. chill out...read the text I just sent u. Maybe that will cool u down.
  7. Oh carrie that pic looks just like my reilly bean. Now that pic ben posted was pretty funny though u have to admit. man I've been on the board WAY too much the last 2 days. Oh wait sorry that is NinjaNick's job. hehe.
  8. I knew it was a joke kev....but my last comment wasn't.
  9. First of all....in ur dreams. Secondly..... do u see a resemblence here? Lets see if these images work since I SUCK at uploading!!!
  10. Welcome aboard....and don't worry about all the crazy things written on here. They r all harmless once they see u in person. But seriously dude.....her b/f is on the board. Show some respect. There are lots of girls that ride in Cols. Most of them simply don't post b/c they don't want to deal with crap like this.
  11. first of all....who made u the moderator of this thread? Secondly I am still confused. Is the yellow ducati a 900ss??? I am so clueless about bike models unless its a suzuki or yamaha. Thirdly, Kevin if you'd shave that long crap off ur chin they might not poke fun at you by callin u Amish. hehe. You're an attractive kid when ur clean shaven.
  12. OK so what is everyone talking about??? By now u should know just how inquisitive I am.........do tell!
  13. So the purpose of u riding is to pick up on "hot" chicks??? Brotha don't ya got any game without that much horsepower b/t ur legs????
  14. :lol::lol: I can't stop laughing. They don't have that kind of power. hehe.
  15. Scooters are not what they used to be. My luv for MC's started when I was 4 years old and my uncle used to pick me up every sunday afternoon for a ride on the back of his goldwing. Now my aunt has some health issues and they just purchased a scooter very similar to yours. I was on the back of it this past september and I was surprised how much power it had.
  16. Kevin...........what did u do to ur bike? ??? Did u wreck? I was wondering why I haven't see it at work this week.
  17. Some bikers don't watch out for cars either. On my way home from work last week there was a sport bike literally up underneath the back of a navigator (well it was some sort of huge suv anyway) on the corner of east broad and reynoldsburg-NA rd. Traffic was slow and as I pulled up I asked if they needed any help or if anyone was injured. The biker turned around laughing and said no. Didn't see a helmet or jacket on him either.
  18. Ok so I see ur point. And from what I've seen you have a very sweet lady thus u there must be something good in ya. lol. j/k. Most of my "single" friends do have quite a few issues (men & women). That's probably why they are single BUT when I look in my professional world I see SOOOOOOOO many single women who have chosen their careers over having a relationship. They are emotionally healthy and NOT crazy. I was just a little bewildered by that guys generalized statement. I would also be interested in seeing how he would actually treat a woman (not girl) due to his obvious hatred for my gender. Maybe I should ask him the same question I did whodey when I met him.....:lol:
  19. WOW!!! Someone's been hurt a few too many times!!!!!!!! Let it go dude. I have EVERY reason in the world to start man bashing BUT I won't b/c I know there are still some good guys out there. You simply have to be patient and not settle for less that what u know u deserve. Nuff said....
  20. Ummm ya...I drive to the James every day via east broad and if I don't leave the house by 0615 I'm stuck in TONS of traffic. and by the way.....where u want to live depends on how much $$$ ur willing to pay for a house and how much u want ur taxes to be. Gahanna is a nice area. I originally was going to build on land there 9 years ago BUT my stupid butt decided to stay in Reynoldsburg/Pataskala (I'm literally right on the dividing line). Stay out of those areas!!!!! Too much section 8 in Reynoldsburg. If that last statement offends people...sorry but I have STRONG feelings about government assistance (growing up on it and all!!!).
  21. Well......I know u all probably think I have a very high opinion of myself BUT my name SARA actually means PRINCESS in the Hebrew language (which is what the old testament was written in). My last name is Pratt hence PrincessPratt
  22. Well how bout them nail beds? lol. See u there Kevin!
  23. Well since it's beautiful outside I'm forgoing the studies tonight! I'll see u all up there! Seems like I may be the only female though. :-(((( Guess I'll be in the back of the pack again.
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