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Everything posted by KentStateTsi

  1. So my company had a mock board today and each person had 1 minute to discuss either McCain or Obama. One Spc. says "I will not work for someone who has never put his life in danger for this country. So come November 4th, if Obama shall win, start my seperation actions." p.s. This Spc is now going to the promotion board.
  2. I've had 20+ models and always have taken them to alum creek's flying field. Its not paved like the big one in grove city they have the jet events at but its always well kept. Don't be affraid that you "suck". I've flown for 10 years and I "suck" compared to some of the guys that fly there. a buddy box or computer sim is your best friend. especially in the winter. hangar 9 ftw, great choice!
  3. F that whole corperation. Techs get paid commission on labor they do. Dan would charge full price for parts(what he gets commission on), and cut the labor so the customer would have the work done and be happy they didnt pay too much. Yes, good for customers, but bad for me. Dan would always brag about the f-ing SMART car they had and how it was one of the first.
  4. HUH? I worked at the polaris one Sept 06 till March 07. If you know Dan Keim then you know why I quit.
  5. Unless you pick a combat MOS you probably wont do your job 75% of the time in a garrison environment. Aviation is a pretty nice branch. 3ID on the other hand isn't the most fun at times. 15J (OH58) armorment/avionics tech is giving a nice bonus last time I heard because they are undermanned. If you get a cav unit you can go on your spur ride and get to wear spurs and a stenson. Instead of this gay beret we have now. If i did any other job i'd go field artillary or warrent.
  6. this model has the detachable carrying handle correct?
  7. understandable. way too many people are out for revenge these days, and have the punisher if you will, attitude. Thank god i grew up with both parents so i dont know what its like being torn between them. I know for sure thought that if this was me I'd be doing whatever I can to keep my kids as close as possible to me.
  8. I agree that this is a sad situation that happens way too often, but this guy wont be kicked out of the military. So please stop using it as a crutch in your defense. A company grade article 15 is probably the most he will get. loss of pay, maybe a stripe, and could affect his security clearance if he has one. big deal, he gets re-classed into another job. When 150,000+ troops are in Iraq alone, leaving single parents stateside(male and female) this shit goes on. Find a way to keep your life, instead of fucking up his.
  9. quick story. Bought this car online from Chesrown in Delaware(I'm at Hunter AAF right now) hoping to be home to get is within the month. with my NTC and deployment coming up I cannot go outside 250 miles. maybe has 15miles on it from the time bought because my parents drove it home. very close to 110,000 miles, cant remember actual black ext. black trim, black interior. cd, good working ac, extremely clean in and out. inline 6 4x4 auto, no reciever or hitch. title is clean and with the car. pics via email available. $4300 brian.wattenschaidt@us.army.mil trooper_454@yahoo.com
  10. 3 sets of ACU's. paint job for the bike. my brother made a pic of both my grandfathers and myself in our class A's overtop the soldiers creed witch is pretty sweet.
  11. you forgot the LSx powered import of some form they have every year.
  12. I had a blade cp pro....but the cx has the ability to go anywhere you want..where as the air hogs(or similar) can only go up, down, or in circles. while it cannot go inverted like the cp pro, it is an excellent beginner heli if you want to really get into the hobby. there is no tail rotor, as the counter rotating mains keep the main shaft torque in check.
  13. KentStateTsi

    Qsl 9/19

    sure, why not. Probably the last one in a long time for this guy.
  14. dude..wtf happend? this is Brian, me and josh went 670 to the airport and went back to taco bell and only about half of the group was left.
  15. not to thread jack but if your crank moved 1"...you had more problems than crankwalk.
  16. I was also in my dorm at kest state. woke up early to finish an english paper and saw the first tower burning. didnt know what was really going on till i saw the 2nd plane hit tower 2. Needless to say I didnt finish my paper. and its still the reason 6 years later i'm joining the army.
  17. i guess it'll have to wait for me to get back from basic
  18. will anyone be out around campus after?
  19. 06-07 gsxrs have had a problem cracking the side welds on the frame coming down from wheelies...I have pics...and yes buells and harleys can wheelie..i have pics of that too.
  20. as long as they dont interrupt the cooling generators for NBE1:roll:
  21. I dont know if i would consider Delaware a small town. but i live in the sticks and it is alot nicer having neighbors a few hundred feet away instead of 20. delaware city now has 4 levels of school. elementary is k-4, 5th and 6th are at willis, 7th and 8th are dempsey and 9-12 are still hayes. I dont know if i could subject my kids to a school district so crowded that they have multiple high schools. olentangy, dublin, hilliard. i want my kids to have lots of friends, i just dont think putting them in a school with thousands is the way to do it.
  22. word..we have an 06 sv1000 with 495mi. salvage title. silver
  23. we are the new division of cycle search. we are now a used dealer in the state of ohio which means we can sell bikes ready to go. no more waiting to get inspected bs. our inventory grows almost daily. http://www.myspace.com/timeattackracing keep a watch on the myspace page for updates and maybe even a track day or 2 next year.
  24. I just did 664 through old mans cave a month or so ago. If there is a faster group watch out for one of the first hills just out of the park area. its like the starting hill for a roller coaster......i was going up around 60mph and it looked like i rode off the face of the earth...luckily i didnt come down in oncoming traffic.
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