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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. Because 98% of everything is better in Texas To mostly include everything BBQ.
  2. I've been dying to get some range time with a VZ58. I hear the Czech's did an outstanding job with this platform.
  3. Scotty2Hotty

    Gas Monkey

    There is some skanks there doe. Fried food and beer ain't a bad combo.
  4. Post 9/11 GI Bill if you apply.
  5. Last I remember that small block car moved out
  6. Quick everyone grab their iPhone an upload a video to YouTube!
  7. I'll keep my coil springs and Hemi.
  8. Scotty2Hotty


  9. It is perfect for "pistol whipping" also.
  10. I never minded carrying an M9, but wasn't always a fan. Granted, I never had any issues with my issues M9, but I also utilized factory Beretta mags too. The single action pull is ok, double action is awful, and the sights are deffinately not my cup of tea. Compared to the Sig 226, the M9 isn't always just point and shoot. In its defense, it's stupid simple to operate, easier to break down, and when properly maintained, I've had no issues. When I did PSD work in Trashcanistan, it was on my hip 24/7. Keeping the thumb safety off with the hammer down, I knew I could be in action quickly. I do plan to pick one up myself, just because it's familiar.
  11. My company's teams didn't do so well, other than the every man challenge. Maybe I'll get a chance to go to Baja again this year.
  12. Scotty2Hotty

    Walking Dead

    You should enjoy it, but in the later seasons it switches tempo. Don't worry, for in a way it'll all make sense. I just hate that I have to wait until October again.
  13. Wearable item, unless it's suspension related or a tire defect. Worth a shot, but it may not go far.
  14. Lots of tattoos are a post deployment ritual. It may look "unprofessional" but a majority of those that get ink during this period, got them as a symbol or they represent something. If they can be hidden, I see no issue. Hands, neck, face, head, are area that are open to the public eye. I honestly couldn't remember too many soldiers in my active duty company that didn't have some form of ink, to include officers too.
  15. I get that the change is going back to a garrison Army, but I think there's more important issues than AR-670-1. I think there should be a stronger push towards training and fighting, less about how pretty one looks. From what I've heard, there's a lack of discipline out of the new recruits coming in. Sounds like the Army still don't know what it's priorities are at the upper echelon.
  16. Still sucks to this day. RIP homie
  17. Keeps my company in business over in Hawaii.
  18. Scotty2Hotty

    Walking Dead

    Those who arrive, survive......I think that's a prelude for shit's gonna go down! My question is, why not go back and grab the weapons at the prison? It would be halfway cleared out by now.
  19. Remind me of the weekend and I'll try to make it. So far no openings I want overseas, so at the moment I'm staying state side. Jesse you better make it to F1 this year!
  20. All I know is Putin shouldn't piss off Poland, they're not some pushover like Ukraine.
  21. We got a K1 in DFW now, so it's on when ya'll come back for F1.
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