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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. How long ago was it when she said this? As it had been described, she said these words in the past. Let's crucify the old southern lady, but let every other politician and celebrity have a pass for things they've done in their past.
  2. If we get free time at work, we're probably going to break into it. Looking into a small cam since we'll have it apart. It's got a 24 tooth reluctor ring, so I'm thinking more LS2 at the moment.
  3. Forgot to yank the number off the heads. I barely had time to stare at it for 5 minutes.
  4. Picked up what I was told to be a re-built 5.3, but had some 6.0 stampings on it. It's been a while since I've played with an LQ4 to remember the difference. Here's some numbers and pics to help. Thanks. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1371691261.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1371691317.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1371691365.jpg http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/1371691411.jpg
  5. G-bodies Thunderbird Conquest/Starion XR4Ti I vote the Thunderbird Turbo coupe. That digital dash is pure class.
  6. Silly Okies and their street racing. It's like Pinks combined with a reality show knock off. I'm going to still watch, for there still ain't shit on TV in the summer.
  7. Cognito is far from a "mall crawler" lift. Guess he could parking lot pimp, if he lowered it in that case.
  8. Cognito is a pretty nasty kit. I'm a fan of their work with bilstein shocks. I can't remember if they're utilizing a factory ball joint with their control arms, or if its like Fabtech's uniball stuff. I hope they moved over to poly bushing with their kits too. Had more than a few come in for premature bushing failure. Looks like it could use a 5" rear block Typical Chevy ass low/Cali pre-runner look.
  9. He wanted to feel the wind beneath his man dress.
  10. This is why Rangers lead the way. If you haven't seen the WWII vet shooting with the AMU snipers, it's a hell of a video. Old man can shoot after many years of not shooting a rifle. I'll see if I can find the vid.
  11. I miss that sound But never again will I go anywhere close to a Chiquita banana box.
  12. Anyone know who's covering the F1 this weekend? Haven't had a chance to check speed or BBC.
  13. Not blaming, but the main reason behind his actions. I was in Iraq during the same time, and that 15 months felt like a lifetime. There's somewhat of a saying that, a soldier may leave war, but war never leaves the soldier. In all accounts, that's 100% true. For some, it wasn't and isn't easy to just "turn it off" once you return to the world. By saying this, I'm not excusing any of his actions, but I know where he's coming from.
  14. The true ignorance spawns from those killing in the name of their religion.
  15. All the drinky girls are in Seoul. I may visit South Korea for the ample selection of prostitutes. North Korea.......not so much.
  16. Where do I start with what's wrong with this $799 rifle: - Fixed stock - No dust cover - No forward assist - 10 round mag It's a "compliant" rifle to some horrible liberal state who forces restrictions on its residents. In short, don't buy this rifle. Save your money.
  17. +3 It's not pressing I own one, but I'll own one before fall.
  18. Bilstein 5100's if you want a leveling kit. Nice truck. I may be trading brands when the 14' GMC's come out.
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