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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. so he swapped out the current VT1300 motor, for the VTX1300 carb motor? if so, very good choice!! (or an RC51 motor, lol)
  2. Fury = DOG. very underpowered. Yamaha Stryker would be a better 1300 for power. (and looks IMO) We had a guy buy a blue one, punched out the cylinder as big as he could go, bigger cam, exhaust, hypercharger, dyno tuned, and it was still a dog. Didnt sound too bad though. He even had the cylinder diamond cut. Looked awesome! everything got chromed too. We have a Pearl Fury in stock with black rims, black handlebars, etc... i like the looks, but not the power. All the motor cases are still raw aluminum. They need to be black or chrome.
  3. why, in the first place, would you buy a battery for a motorcycle from walmart? thats the last thing i would be buying from wal mart. i would get an oil change from wal mart before id buy a battery there.
  4. i didnt know he passed before that post. damn. i definitely will. i will make that one of the first trips on the bike when its complete.
  5. hey man, i grew up in huron. live in oak harbor now and work at a bike shop in fremont. i was at riverfest for the fireworks on the friday night.
  6. why did you put ":( RIP"? thanks for the compliments! EDITED... found the link here... http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=61736&highlight=timotheus Sorry i didnt get done in time for ya man!! RIP.
  7. did a lot of work tonight. received the part that i ordered that there are only a few left in the country. http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265913_10150256024603360_514138359_7263919_144097_o.jpg here is the piece http://hphotos-ash4.fbcdn.net/271747_10150256028483360_514138359_7263951_5938620_o.jpg old and broken on the right. new on the left. http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/271884_10150256031438360_514138359_7263967_1018220_o.jpg rear pegs and brackets assembled http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/266895_10150256065268360_514138359_7264041_1044545_o.jpg Rearsets and rear pegs mounted on right side. http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/272126_10150256113623360_514138359_7264080_194695_o.jpg Left side rearset and rear pegs assembled and attached http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/279246_10150256133473360_514138359_7264211_1560739_o.jpg Front calipers assembled and installed! http://hphotos-ash4.fbcdn.net/279750_10150256111243360_514138359_7264071_6120513_o.jpg
  8. i use mine all the time for different trailers. switching the ball around on the few different size hitches i have.
  9. is it still the fastest jet?
  10. thanks for the reminder. "note to self"... need more 9mm ammo
  11. wal mart, kmart, they have wrenches made for that. They are like 10 or 14 bucks. i keep one in my truck.
  12. Got the right rearset assembled with the rear master cylinder and pedal. cant torque the bolts down until i get the rear torque link put on, im just awiting on a couple o-rings from kawi for that. so its just finger tight right now. http://hphotos-ash4.fbcdn.net/278674_10150250233533360_514138359_7215773_2000989_o.jpg Polished the original peg. Keeping the rubber on it b/c theres still a lot there. http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/280824_10150250236243360_514138359_7215781_1083849_o.jpg http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/278836_10150253802903360_514138359_7252381_5738999_o.jpg http://hphotos-ash4.fbcdn.net/273192_10150253803648360_514138359_7252394_7387833_o.jpg
  13. well i got my calipers, caliper slide brackets, and right rearset back from the powdercoaters. here is everything i got coated. calipers are finally rebuilt!!!!! all new slide boots on the calipers too!! its nice when its all fresh and new!! and i put speedbleeders on the calipers!
  14. bike is 22 yrs old, im 25 years old. owned for 5 years. been a project for 5 years. haha
  15. OR forum price. Only forum at this price. $14,800 for truck with everything listed
  16. Thanks. I'm hopefully going to pick up the calipers and brackets this weekend. HOPEFULLY. Lol. I would like to get those put together.
  17. got my speigler stainless clutch lines, new brake pads and cluch and brake master cylinder rebuild kits. then got out the OLD, i do mean old, craftsman drill and started grindin off the rust on the exhaust system. well, one half of the exhaust system. This will be getting coated black. mirror black on the parts you can see when its on the bike, and flat black on the rest of it. my dad bought this drill brand new a LONG time ago. now its mine and still kickin. after a few straight hours of runnin it started to cut out so i stopped. just needed to get the rust and corrosion off, not trying to polish it to a shine.
  18. front floormat is sold also. Rear is left. 75 shipped.
  19. you cuold use the rear if its an extended cab. I have someone that may be interested in the front, so it may work uot. let me know. Ill do 75 shipped.
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