Schiets Motorsports yessir, that is correct. i planned on sending a message to someone about what we need to do to join up. I just need to know who to send to, lol. TRUST ME... I weas not putting these up on this forum to get in front of or step on ANY other sponsors toes of this site. It was a GREAT deal that i wanted to try and share with EVERYONE that i knew of!!! One thing to add... If we would join OR, we are NOT wanting to join to try and take over this group, like a "certain" other group. few people know what other group and dealership i mean. We dont care if other dealers are on here, or would join after us. We are in no-way-shape-or form wanting to step on anyones toes in any way and would not take it against you guys if you declined. So if this sounds like an OK to the admin's, please send me info on becoming a sponsor on this forum. Thanks a lot to all!!!!!!!!