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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. just giving your opinion. no problems here!! sure is a collector!!!!
  2. they only made it for 86 and 87. he spent a lot of time on it and who knows what lower price he would take. he took the time, so he wants what he wants.
  3. it is INSANELY clean and is a nice ridin bike!!! he really did some work on this to make it look nice. it was a very nice bike before, just needed to be cleaned up a bit, so it did it fully!!
  4. Selling for a friend. NOT FOR SALE BY A DEALERSHIP!!!! 1987 Yamaha FAZER!!!! MINT, i repeat, MINT CONDITION!!!!! This bike was fully restored and is in MINT condition. People who havent seen this bike before have asked if its brand new, thats how clean. not joking, i got asked today, lol. 8400 Miles Aftermarket Exhaust - Kerker Header with an Erion Racing Muffler (this muffler looks better on the bike than the Kerker muffler) STILL HAS STOCK EXHAUST!!! Original Wheels have been chromed New wheel bearings and seals New Tires New Plugs New Battery New Fuel Tank and Air Cleaner Cover Contact D.A. @ 419-680-2740 PRICE is $3800.... NO TRADES WANTED!!!!
  5. yah its 20 bucks for the kit at wal mart or meijer. will do a few cars at the least. My gf's lil sister's mustang is completely covered to where you cant see a songle thing inside the headlight housing. cant wait to do those!!!! its prolly gonna use the rest of the sanding disks, lol. they are EXTREMELY bad!! the 500 grit is going to be used A LOT on these, lol. its nice when people pay 10-15 bucks to get there headlights done!!
  6. haha. If someone was to do and have mint plastics, i HIGHLY recommend take the headlights out of the plastics and doing this. B/c it is very easy with the 500 and 800 grit to sand thru the paint. I did go thruthe paint, but i knew i didnt care if i did on that piece, hahahaha. no doubt!!!!! lol
  7. My right headlight had a few rock chips and scratches in it, so i used my 3M Headlight Restoration Kit on it. (same thing i do on cars) Available at Autogeek.net 500 grit sandpaper 800 grit sandpaper 3000 grit sandpaper Polishing pad with polish provided in pack PlastX wax 500 grit 800 grit 3000grit polishing pad PlastX wax
  8. only if it wasnt fishy would we have jacked up the price!! :eek: hehehe jk
  9. and why didnt you drive big red or lil blue to get the bike??? lol. nice pics!!! hope you guys like the bike!!!!!!
  10. post up some pics of the FISH!!!!
  11. thanks to the 2 who came in today. gixxernurse and shittygsxr i believe are the names!!
  12. i definitely understand why they thought it was fishy and that not too many people know of the shop so i undrestand that. i was just saying what i said b/c yours is a sweet price for what it is!!
  13. lol. you know one... not TGR tho!! i posted on there!! i likey TGR!! i like TMCF but "you know who" OWNS them so i cant post the word schiets on that forum. you cant even say the name of another dealer, lol.
  14. some of those prices are OUCH... sorry to throw up those 2 ninjas man. Wasnt trying to cut your sale at all... your bike is DEF worth what your asking, and is a good deal. especially to some of those listed on c-list! it was just a quick decision for the shop to lower the prices.
  15. Schiets Motorsports yessir, that is correct. i planned on sending a message to someone about what we need to do to join up. I just need to know who to send to, lol. TRUST ME... I weas not putting these up on this forum to get in front of or step on ANY other sponsors toes of this site. It was a GREAT deal that i wanted to try and share with EVERYONE that i knew of!!! One thing to add... If we would join OR, we are NOT wanting to join to try and take over this group, like a "certain" other group. few people know what other group and dealership i mean. We dont care if other dealers are on here, or would join after us. We are in no-way-shape-or form wanting to step on anyones toes in any way and would not take it against you guys if you declined. So if this sounds like an OK to the admin's, please send me info on becoming a sponsor on this forum. Thanks a lot to all!!!!!!!!
  16. thank you sir!!! Customer Service is our #1!!! Price is second. But we do our best to put both together!!! been around since 1960 and DEFINITELY not going anywhere. going to be building a new HUGE showroom in the near future... meaning few years... if they finally decide the look of it, lol. we still have a B-King in the crate. would be a sweet bike to NEVER prep and keep hangin in the front window of the new showroom!!! 0 miles and always clean!!! we do have a brand new B-King for like 9988 and an brand new 08 CBR1000RR blk/gry for 8588!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE THE NEW OWNER ENJOYS THE STEAL THEY ARE GETTING!!!!!!!! i know i sure would if i wouldve gotten it!!!!!!!!
  17. hahahahaha... smellin something fishy now too? you missed out on a GREAT deal!!!
  18. ninja nurse it may be!!!!! guess youll have to wait and see!!! lol
  19. hahahahaha. you never know!!! whats her actual name?
  20. ya the 19K scares people for some stupid reason. Thats only 4K a year.
  21. thanks!! no prob man!! if for some CRAZY reason it goes down ill let you know, but i can almost promise it wont. someone will eat this up. we had an 04 R1 MINT blue with LOW miles dropped to 4500 and it sold the next day.
  22. sorry!!! were already losing money, it will def sell at 3999 just an example... here is an 04 that a guy is parting out on the ZX10R forum. He wants 3 grand JUST for this stuff... - left oem clip-on with renthal grip - $40 - right clip-on, no grip - $35 - billet kit 1/4 throttle, with throttle cables - $200 - oem swingarm - $250 - oem subframe - $250 - superstock motor with stm slipper, newly rebuilt - $1900 - sato frame sliders - $50 - woodcraft swingarm sliders - $20 - oem wiring harness - $200 - machined and painted top clamp - $50
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