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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. I can use 170hp on the street and track, just not a road course. I could use as much hp as they possible when it comes to street and track.
  2. Well put together....wanna cut grass?lol
  3. Rain saturday now...beautiful sunday. Brandon, how long does it take to get there?
  4. Yea and im sure you bout the zx-14 for more than its power??I agree, all I am saying is that for what it is....a 1000cc bike, it should have made more power.
  5. How much for the motor,tranny and harness?
  6. ??i dont know what you talking about. and personally i dont think its such and amazing "machine" as you put it...For a 1000+cc bike and only puttin out 131 hp is WEAK. Its power is comparable to some 600's. ITs nice for what it is,and that is basically a touring bike.
  7. Jono, How the fuck you been? havent seen or heard bout you in forever. You ever talk to jared or ryan anymore?
  8. This morning I was traveling east on Hard Rd. Just past Kilbourne H.S. there were two bike cops sitting in the middle turn lane radaring people. Its hard to see them cus the sun comes up over the trees and due to glare, they are invisible....Had two cars stopped when I was driving by
  9. I dont like naked bikes...
  10. http://classifieds.hybridz.org/data/8/DSCF0804.jpg hotness,front end is kinda gay but the molded body flares are damn sexy
  11. Linc5.0


    cuz i like making it alil more interesting....
  12. at any mid-ohio event they cover the tire walls..ive taken from there at night for years.
  13. im on the fence too..will i be sober enough to operate a firearm after tonight?Hope i make it
  14. Im done to go, i live 5 minutes away
  15. Linc5.0


    cool. that is what i thought it was out of.
  16. Linc5.0


    what is the ca18det come out of?and how much conversion must be done>?basically i want the easiest possible drop in with minimal work...I am not too mechanically inclined
  17. Linc5.0


    Yea i actually have met the guy that owns it...he is a professional stunt rider. Its the hotness. I thought about v-8 but i want the lightest weight possible and stay true to the nismo.(though v-8 not out of question...) Joshua, Im gonna come in and talk to you about the swap and such. I dont know how much of the swap I will be able to do myself. After further review i read that the RB20det is a 90% drop in motor...So I think im gonna go that route..basically same power as the sr20.
  18. Linc5.0


    So I am thinking about buying a early-mid 70's Datsun 240 or 260Z. I want to swap in a sr20det...I want to know if anyone knows where i can get one cheap?I have found them on ebay for like $1800 and up...Just seeing if there are any cheaper or in town?Let me know.Thanks...
  19. Agreed. I was very disappointed and couldnt believe how often something went wrong with the cars, Ken Gushi was fucking sweet. and that girl was hot and a good driver=MOre hot....
  20. Linc5.0


    HILARIOUS!that was great vid
  21. I found some wheel and tire sets cheap on ebay
  22. there are alot of hayabusa scams on ebay..
  23. this is mainly directed towards AbuseU1300... Brandon, do you need any special tires for the front for the sand dunes...?Im bout to buy some paddles for the rear for Aprils session...that is if your still down>?
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