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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. very nice.i need another bike
  2. wtf/that is retarded...they should be shot
  3. No you move up by supplying to all those other kids sellin the drugs...then your the top dog.lol
  4. thorne, you home today?ill stop by and check it out and give you a bid?
  5. Schmelmer Services(mowing, landscaping, hardscapes,maintenance) (614)354-9575 I agree with lawnman, $40 is definately the going rate if i dont have to travel out of my way to do it. What is the size of your lot BilliumSS?
  6. i like them. do you know the price on the carbon fiber ones?
  7. abuseU, are those carbon fiber wheels on the busa or another composite?
  8. ill ride your gsx-r 1000. I break , I buy...simple as that
  9. start doing her...then slip it in her ass, you find out just how big of a slut she really is.lol. let us know how it turns out. :thumbup:(and by turns out...well you'll get it...)
  10. Linc5.0

    Turbo R1

    just think...that R1 only has 276hp...imagine some of the big dogs...300+hp and over
  11. let me know how it went today...im mad jealous...though my wife did win her mrs ohio beauty pageant...and as part of that we get a free trip to vegas!!!!Hellz Yes :thumbup:
  12. damn i would love to go for a ride in that bad boy...
  13. easy, if you need help let me know...do you have a trickle charger?
  14. $1500-2000TOPS. ill look it over and let you know how it wheelies :thumbup:
  15. fuck wish i was pushed into playing golf everyday....cuz thats all i wanna do now anyways
  16. id like to take it to get looked at by a mechanic if that is okay with you.5speed?
  17. im pretty sure that all gtp's are supercharged
  18. is this the white four door?
  19. well no ridin 4 me this weekend....parts not in and i tried 2 rig it, no go
  20. i dont really care bout the aftermarket stuff..would be for the wife...ill do my research and let you know.
  21. how much will you sell just the gtp for?
  22. Bill(billdozer) and Kevin(360iroc) just got done fixing my front fender of my truck(that i wrecked). And it looks great. They did the paint, take off and put on and everything turned as good as could be expected. They saved me alot of money and I thank them for that. I will definately be referring body and paint work as well as any mechanical work to them. Ill post pics of the before and afters...Thanks again :woowoo: !
  23. i'd run away....(u and the car can come stay at my house :thumbup: )
  24. lol, yummyhttp://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:goOHtvpAsIVM8M:http://www.leo.lehigh.edu/media/river/image/6-overgrown.jpg(its over grown)
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