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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I've seen good and bad of salvia.
  2. That's a awesome video. Did the cop just not go after you? It did not look like you ran.
  3. thorne

    Foose Mustang

    Made more power and made it safer.
  4. http://www.myspacebrand.com/funny_pictures/poster-images/_img/posterimage92.gif
  5. thorne

    Foose Mustang

    Picked up 20 Nice, Not bad for a 4.6
  6. thorne

    Foose Mustang

    why take pictures of a car on the dyno with out sheets ?
  7. It's hard for a car company to have many problems with when there install base is small and most the owners rarely drive the cars. I seen a 07 lambo recently with 1700 miles on it. People don't drive the higher end names to find the problems.
  8. This was over on Cos and I just was like DAMN thats fucking awesome ++ I hope something useful comes of this for him.
  9. I was not upset I just noted that her antibiotics and such were on my insurance. To be honest I'm not sure.
  10. She got cut while there.
  11. Yes, So any basic cut can go really bad
  12. It's hard to say to be honest. She got a infection in her foot , Ya know I'm not 100% sure to be honest. Sadly I've spent way to many nights sleeping in the hospital room with my wife.
  13. What is the price on clean air again?
  14. Please prove this one. I've got medical bills I can show you where my wife was in and something happened while she was there and our insurance paid for it.
  15. ohhh really it was only widely unpopular if all you watch is Faux News
  16. I'm sorry but the approach is largely based on hawaii and there system works quite well from what I've read. Rush seemed to like it.
  17. Your fucking stupid. Maybe you should goto the free health care spots now. its called the ER. Go there with a real problem and there are 15 people waiting with a COLD. This will make that better. I'm sorry that yo want to consider quality healthcare obtainable by all to be a hand out but I feel its a right. Pursuit of happiness is not possible when your up to your kneck in healthcare costs
  18. I Just left there. Friggin Dyno brian came all the way out
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