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Everything posted by thorne

  1. So you have over 50 employees? Not trying to pry just curious. Since there are provisions for small business with less than 50 employees
  2. Thanks Does it say. Im SMRT!!!!
  3. Translated it for you since deduction was to complex. We pay more for less.
  4. Minus the part where i sit in the top .2%
  5. Actually if someone hits you and you don't have the proper coverage your going to be up shitcreek with out a paddle. I pay extra to have uninsured coverage. (covers someone hitting me with out insurance). BTW it's illegal to not have car insurance or a secured bond. This isn't really a debate its more a fact. If people have wellness checks and basic maintenance it costs less in the endgame.. To many people do not get the basics taken care of as of today because they don't have coverage. Just like if your car's timing belt is do at 100K and you skip it and the motor jumps time bends the valves and ruins the engine.. It just cost you more to repair that than it would have costed to replace the timing belt.
  6. No sir I don't, I was just curious where the increase was happening. Considering my insurance only went up by 11% this year I assumed there was some type of correlation.
  7. My statement was accurate. I was posting in regards to the person making 20K and not being able to afford coverage. Yes our TAX Dollars are being used to subsides the price for the lower income person. But the same applies with your car insurance. If you wreck your car tomorrow the other people using your insurance company are paying to have your car fixed... Fucking Socialist car insurance. BTW, I believe you were trying to say: That we will also pay for, You fucking Idiot.
  8. Just finished enrolling in my insurance for next year. my rates went up 11%
  9. if they only make 20k a year they qualify for subsidies.
  10. Maybe you missed it but this law passed a few years ago. Actually I tried to get insurance on my own a few years ago and from what im seeing numbers wise Obamacaer is working and helping people. People are ignoring the fact that today your paying for not only amiercans but illegals when they go to the ER and don't pay there bill. By making it easier for people to obtain basic services your reducing costs by creating a healthier population. Why is it Japan pays the least and has the longest life expectecny? Also people are penalized for not having car insurance also, Does that mean we should shut the govermetn down?
  11. Shhhh don't let the GOP see this they might have a heart attack.. ohh wait I'm assuming they have the mental capacity to understand the above chart. I think its funny that americans are so brainwashed on healthcare they don't even acknowledge the fact that america's system failure.
  12. oops I had it off, the Tresurey prints it and the fed distrubutes it. My bad.
  13. Details? My rates didn't change much this year
  14. Just because YOU can't find any infomation doesn't mean there isn't any. I don't know how many times I've fixed PC's for people Who couldn't fix it them selves. That doesn't mean its unfixable.. It just means the person attempting was lacking the approaite knowledge. And where are you coming up with this FREE notion, The idea of a single payer system was thrown a long time ago. Thats what we truly needed though. Last but not least the FED Prints money not ft knox.
  15. I don't see it. Obamacare is happening now and i don't hear the world falling apart. I hear the world falling apart because GOP is holding america hostage. why is a cleanCR written by the gop such a bad thing? looks like they have the majority backing a cleancr if they would just vote on it.
  16. I wonder if its possible to enable true hands free on my wifes phone. (HTC ONE) I love this huge screen.
  17. Why not just sign the clean CR that already has comprimises for the gop... It will get people to work tomorrow fuck this piece meal shit... They know they fucked up. 1. Killed Obama care.. ohhh wait 2. Delay obama care. 3. lets start single things .... Obamacare is working right now for people.
  18. For a Bill that Destroys america and the end of the world... Sounds to me like it just created a bunch of new jobs in the medical field.
  19. actually they are not ignoring the problem, They attempted to address it by going with a single payer system. Sadly this provision was left out of the final ACA.
  20. What I don't get is, If the republicans are SOOOO sure that ACA is going to fuck everything up. Why not let it fail and you've pretty much secured future votes. The real truth is, The majority of people who will be utilizing the exchange are getting health insurance cheaper than they could in the past. That's what the GOP Is soooo scared of. They know that if people like the ACA they won't be able to reverse it later. To many people in this thread seem to be overlooking that we are required to carry car insurance, The reason Car insurance works is because your pooling your risk. On paper this reduces the total cost of car insurance for the masses. Why is the same not a good idea for health coverage? You ether send everyone away with no money / insurance or You have a single payer system where all the risk is pooled together. Option A is down right wrong, How can we be the best country in the world and not take care of our own. Option B the idiot right wing ding bats hate it because well they don't even know why they hate it. I've heard people being interviewed who talk about things that will fix the system and there quote things that exist in the ACA. Meh
  21. 1. ACA does this. 2. Whats wrong with the ACA's exchange? 3. I think more importantly is to create checks and balances to actually catch people abusing said system. The goverment exists to get things done that individuals can't achieve, Things like healthcare reform. I do find it humerous that 2 of the things you said are already being done by this evil Communist from Kenya who is socliazing all of Murkia.
  22. So far from what I'm seeing the majority of people are being helped out by this new exchange. Yes there are some cases when it don't work well. But it seems to be the exception to the rule.
  23. It was intentional that it was broken. I was chatting with Little guy over the weekend and he pointed out that there are only 2 real options for healthcare. 1. Single Payer System: Similar to car insurance you are pooling your risk by having everyone involved. 2. Jerk System: If you goto ER and don't have insurance/money you get sent away with the broken arm you walked in with. Riddle me this? Why do we pay the most for healthcare but have one of the lowest life expectancy;s in the world? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/07/16-ways-europeans-are-just-better-at-life_n_3950351.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009
  24. I love being able to go hi galaxy with out touching the phone
  25. play this while watching that ./..
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