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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    Monitor Repair?

    Doublesight 26, I have no found a firmware or anything. This is a common issue as I had 2 of them die previouslly. This is the reason why I have a 30 now, Doublesight offered me an upgrade on one of my old 26's for 500$ to the 30 because all the issues i had. I'll give your guy @ the laptop place a call. If I can get it back to life I'd be happy
  2. Does anyone on CR do monitor repair? Or know someone who does? My 26inch bit the dust. it will power up and even display the menus but when i try to drive it with dvi it goes into a power on power off loop.
  3. thorne

    September 11th

    I remeber where i was that day, I was on my way to work and sitting at the stop light right in front of GLC SYstems, I heard it on the radio. When I got inside the shop I found one of our old portable TVs and tuned in, I watched the second plane hit live. I also remeber the internet coming to it's knees the only sight that was staying up and reporting news was slashdot.org We also had the highest count of users online for our isp. We had all of 12 pri's of lines full. Then on my way home that day I rember how bummed I was and then I seen Airforce one fly overhead with fighter jets and it brought a smile to my face.
  4. Then apparently you've missed out on the info on this game. The idea behind the mechanics changes was to make the game more fun and fluid to play.
  5. Damn didn't see those three trailers. I can't wait to play online
  6. I hate 270 and 23 in the morning, I leave early just to beat it.
  7. I've got the Exclusive Collectors Edition on reserve for PS3, I even took the day off to sit at the house and drop some solid gaming time in. I've been in love with the GTA Series since it was a top down game.
  8. Wow sexy cars. Makes me sad when you can buy a sedan that weighs that much and runs 11's
  9. 64bit wooo weeeee ..... How much ram does this phone have?
  10. I've considered doing the conversion to my infintiy and running the radio steve has
  11. Ohhhhhh snap Battlewagon's so much more nimble now that she has shaved over 200lbs off.
  12. if you want to hit the rollers call up and schedule. I am looking forward to this
  13. I'm close to giving up on visodence. It just sucks. Takes money to make money
  14. Junkyard EJ22e 199$ Swap that bottom end on if the heads are good and drive it
  15. I'm with you, Dave has 0 seat time in HIGH HP(See1000+) aside from driving someones TT Gallardo. If he don't kill himself @on low boost it will be a fucking miracle. Also there's no way it will make 2000whp right now, The turbos are to small.
  16. Stay away from 02wrx's shit avoid 2 liters all together they are all turning into fucking DSM's. They are ran hard put away wet. It's rare to see a clean 02-05WRX. If you can find a RARE GOOD Car consider yourself lucky and I'l have a prepurchase inspection done. Outback XT 2.5turbo or Legacy GT Wagon's are typically is much better shape. Though if you get one do the Banjo Repair right away. anything past 50K and if it has them turbo won't last But VF52's (09+ wrx's) are bolt on minus tuning. Personally I would get a FX35 over ether of those. Just tuned one friday and they are nice to drive.
  17. Hopefully this time they won't push it out. But I've got money that says it will not have a dyno sheet saying 2000whp or even anything beyond 1600-1700. The tuner tuning it told me he would be happy if it made 1400......
  18. Looks like my car feel threw for this weekend I'm planning to go if I'm not too sick from chemo. Just taking the old G. don't wanna drive that far with out a speedo
  19. WTF :\ I just read the below fact sheet and I'm still confused. I understand part of it. They are trying to prevent certain types of guns from being imported. But at the same time I think there should be an exemption for classical weapons. The whole Trust thing has always bothered me. http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/08/29/fact-sheet-new-executive-actions-reduce-gun-violence
  20. It was orginally just for the Ohio G Club, But it some how kept growing and went from dyno to to dyno day with food dj and models.
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