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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I'm sure the movie will be after nine just because were starting at 7ish
  2. I'm not sure what time where cating the movie but the plan afterwards is to visit the "SPOT"
  3. thorne


    I would really like to go to the school. I'll be out in the WRX as I plan to also have some LGT's with me
  4. lc-1 Old and busted Zietronix = new hottnessss
  5. Man only 331 I should have played
  6. It says I can get low payments
  7. http://widefnopen.com//images/images/fabfail9.jpg
  8. thorne


    the thread is a joke I was bored as fuck and trying to stir up shit
  9. I did but you kept responding and flagging it down telling me I was all yours or some shit. kinda scared me.
  10. Don't kid your self you know you will see it. I have to there is a STi in it. I know there are a few people I've talked to who were going to meet up at qsl at 7:30 then cruise out to see Fast and the Furious. After the movie hang out at one of the spots. so QSL 7:30 I should have some tables held. Movie 9pm or 10:15 which ever one works out better.
  11. thorne


    200$ = part of my admission to Midohio .... Miller when do I get to see this non turning turbo charged beast?
  12. who cares if its fun
  13. thorne


    I know i know excuses But there is no way I could do top end atm safely. I don't want to pop my motor. I'm supposed to figure out the wideband tommorow and then we can talk.
  14. thorne


    Cannot tonight. The car is well lets call it halfway tuned. I broke my WB in the middle of calibrating my new intake. So yeah.......
  15. thorne


    hrmmmmmm That does sound like a fun idea.
  16. Orion is Ninja black
  17. thorne


    This thread is what happens when I have a shitty day at work and am stuck waiting for the wife to get ready to go out for dinner Even if people thought it was stupid I got entertainment BTW to those who are actually coming out cool. So bring that jetta out
  18. thorne


    sam ran a 12 on my bike.
  19. Where to start. i think you summed it up
  20. thorne


    I'll continue talking shit just like I did before when i got beat by everyone at kil kare . Sadly my wife even has it all on video.... FAIL I'm just trying to have some fun. I'm hoping some shit talking with get a couple more people to come out. I will not be racing for 500$ thats 500$ I could spend on other parts for the wrx.
  21. thorne


    I would have if i weight 100lbs less
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