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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I've never used one, I can suggest some great books if you want to learn how to stop it yourself. 1. Read the puppy book. It has a yellow lab on the front. 2. read Cesars Way 3. watch and pay attention to the meaning behind dog whisper, Pack leader does work. Personally I enjoyed training my dogs myself and some of my friends I've worked with. What behaviour is it ?
  2. thorne

    Bent rim

    one of my rim's is bent. Is this something that is repairable? If so what am I looking at to get it repaired?
  3. would you sell ddr seperate please?
  4. I've herd that to but I can't confirm it.
  5. I wish I was next week I'm working days. I think i pissed off my boss. Blah Its just a bad week its been shity since last week.
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I just needed to let that out, I'm having a shitty fucking night.
  7. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817163066 17$ shipped
  8. explain the resisting arrest part
  9. Thank you for hating america. Guesse what CRIMINALS DONT BUY GUNS LEGIT. I keep loaded guns.
  10. ok, What makes more sense ? Living in a apartment for 1000$ a month or renting a house for 1000$ .
  11. shit if your around a grand just rent a house.
  12. shit evan i missed that my bad. my bad
  13. or maybe thorne fell sleep (
  14. I'l take the gun. BTW Desk rocks.
  15. thorne

    FS: 1967 Camaro

    Do you accept Kidneys?
  16. As he said if you've got gauges we can go dial something in.. I'm running a ~11.5 from 3500 on. I still got some dialing in to do I'm targeting 300 off this setup by next spring with the new intercooler. Right now I'm on 20lbs and taper off to 14 i believe. I don't have the maps open atm cause the laptop is upstairs.
  17. thorne

    It's Me MARIO!

    Yeah I know i could have put it in the pictures area. It just seemed like a video that 3 guys made up smokin a joint at about midnight.
  18. Ricer We are playing games at my place.
  19. So whats everyone up to tonight.Q
  20. Hey can i pay you 10g for 11g worth of stuff? I mean he has every right to bitch. BTW when I take my car to IPS I pay for my parts up front. Don't be a pab.
  21. That shit pisses me off, I have to get rid of my cats I've had for a few years because of allergies but I would never want to part with my dogs.
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