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Everything posted by Hoblick

  1. send it to: a great day to ride he will make it jsut they way you need it i have had corbin and a sargent getting my seat done at : a great day to ride surpassed them both in comfort. and was about $300 cheaper on a side note i love my airhawk, but they arent very useful on a seat that slants forward alot, like a sportbike
  2. lol me too i always liked them.. i love that its air cooled, belt drive, big honkin motor sittin in there they are the best sounded metric cruiser style bike by far
  3. thoughts on these bikes.. dont ask why just let me hear what you think Yamaha Roadstar Warrior 1700 Ducati 748 Harley Nightster 06+ R6
  4. perfect for him http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260632955241&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  5. cash on every toy i have bought never bought any of them new though but if i was to buy a brand new something or other id probably finance.. cash down as well, but i dont have $12K plus laying around in cash to just throw around
  6. i can do it just depends on when you need it done pm me for pricing
  7. as the title states... my buddy is looking for a set of race plastics for his 2000 r6
  8. good to hear.. thanks for stopping by
  9. to anyone who has came over and got some tires mount and balanced from me. it was good meeting you and bullshitting while doing your tire changes. also thanks for the recommendations to other people. i hope the quality of work i did for you was what you expected or more. thanks again all! Hoblick
  10. side job.. im off all today so give me a call i could probably get you hooked up today if you want
  11. yes i do have my chl and i carry everywhere i can
  12. i get your point.. but get mine you dont see how far your going with it? bringing a voice recorder with you? dressing more respectable? probably carry a copy of the laws around with you as well i assume? it just doesnt make sense.. you have the right to carry a weapon concealed, you have a permit. why even get it if you just want to OC all the time to "prove a point"... yeah you can open carry, its legal, we get it.. its like you want the attention about OCing and want to lecture people on it.. to me if someone tells you , you cant in there place of business or whatever that it almost makes you uber happy to inform them that by law you can. i dunno it just doesnt make sense to me and i think your blowing it way out of proportion
  13. 100% agree.. seems like some people on here just want to push the open carry thing waaaaaaayy to much.. you have a conceal carry so use it. the point of carrying is to be able to protect yourself and your family in case of life threatening situation. why feel the need to flaunt your weapon we there is no need to yeah its your right, but there isnt a need for it in any situation.. unless you arent licensed to carry conceal
  14. i got a few used ones laying around if your interested, and i can mount and balance. tire i would be free, just pay for mount and balance shoot me a text or call if you want 614-256-3407
  15. How much for the b front? and id probably take that V to try out as well
  16. Thanks guys, I'm gonna go for the b front
  17. ok so im gonna buy warmers.. im gonna go with a power race medium soft rear, and power one front but what compound front should i run.. (standard, A,B,V)? ive read what each compound is, but have never ran any of them, so what will be my best bet The V is probably a little too aggressive for what i need, so its either, standard, A, or B
  18. a standard day says 2 hours and 20 min of ride time.. thats 7 sessions? so how is this like a standard day if i only get 4 20 min sessions id love to go, but i would like to get my monies worth of ride time
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