I have gotten many PMs on Road 2 and Road 3 Pricing. with my April Special im running,... If you purchase a Mobile (on the bike) Tire service you can get incredible deals on these tires, lowest price anywhere! 120/180 Pilot Road 2 set $251.99 120/180 Pilot Road 3 set $289.99 as always for OR members, on the bike mount and balance is $35 a wheel there is a $1 per mile one way travel charge and $2 per tire disposal fee if your little farther away, do what my recent customer did and get a brother, friend, or neighbor who needs tires in on it as well, then you can split the travel fee! If you need a different size road 2 or 3, or even a different tire all together, PM me and i can get you the best deal youll see!