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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. It'd be nice to see a Rep. in the Massachusetts office. Brown would provide the critical 41st vote in the Senate to break the Democrat's filibuster-proof majority and stop the unprecedented assault on our personal liberties that is now taking place in Congress. Scott Brown has pledged to vote against the government takeover of our health care system and is also opposed to cap-and-trade. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/17/health-care-line-obama-heads-massachusetts/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nEoW-P81-0&feature=player_embedded
  2. Wanna buy mine? I'm in Tipp City. Seriously, if you are looking for something this far north, send me a PM. I am looking to sell my house.
  3. Drinking is more important to Larry than anything else. Period.
  4. I will congratulate you on the new vehicle. And now I will at the girl.
  5. I'll be down there in July already so pending a date I'll likely either be down there already or go down with you guys.
  6. I'm guessing that is on a channel I don't have...Cable cost too much and I don't watch it enough to pay for it. The dude with the glasses looks familiar, but I really don't know who they are.
  7. me...so much that I have no clue who he is... meh, oh well. After browsing this thread, I can assume he's got something to do with the Apple fad.
  8. This is guy is much better... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1o07c_stunt-bmw-k1200-lt-wheeling Look up Jean Pierre Goy He's a stunt rider for BMW...He did some of the stunts in James Bond and Dark Knight movies.
  9. Eating lunch with guys at work and talking about spicy foods... One of the guys said he had some chili and his wife had put a habenero pepper in it and forgot to take it out. He bit into it... "It was like an explosion in my mouth"
  10. Sounds like a certain political leader
  11. There's no better feeling than getting to use the "I told you so" line when the bike blows up.
  12. Ya know, I don't think it looks that bad myself... The picture angle is a bit odd. If the picture were from directly behind the rider you may be able to better judge his form.
  13. Or you could do what I did to my one and only roommate...Find someone to sign the lease and then sign yourself off the lease without telling him He gets home one day and there's someone new in his apt and all my stuff is gone.
  14. Better anyways. I would rather not see a plow or salt for that matter. Driving on hard pack is better than driving through that nasty ass slush that the plows create.
  15. Looks fine to me still..I'm at 70/75 barely a half inch. Getting a bit heavier though. 70 is slow, but moving fine. No delays...Just another day.
  16. I started reading about the P99 and that's what I went looking for, then I looked a little more and found that S&W makes a .40 and starting looking for that. Got a tip from a guy that a local gun shop had some police trade in SW99's for sale with night sights and jumped on one of them. I'm pleased so far, just gotta go shoot it now!
  17. copy/paste/out door. wishful thinking at least Snowing in Dayton, maybe 1/4" so far. Nothing heavy yet...
  18. It's listed at 27oz. I didn't really feel it was that heavy. I just felt it was a bulky somewhat large gun. The weight wasn't a problem though.
  19. I looked at that gun and if it wasn't for the size I woulda bought one. I've not shot it, but liked everything about it and couldn't find any negative reviews on it. Seems to me like the price could be a little lower. If I recall you could buy new for about $400. That depends on type of holster though...
  20. Just in from the regional manager where I work... "All employees, As those of you who have looked outside recently can see, the snow is beginning to come down heavily. The forecast is poor, calling for heavy snow and as a result difficult driving conditions from noon onwards. Your personal safety is our primary concern. Please use judgment when deciding when to leave today. If you are at all concerned for your safety, please feel free to leave work after informing your manager."
  21. dustinsn3485


    My newest purchase...
  22. dustinsn3485

    IMG 3347

    From the album: Random crap

  23. dustinsn3485

    IMG 3334

    From the album: Random crap

  24. dustinsn3485

    IMG 3333

    From the album: Random crap

  25. dustinsn3485


    From the album: Random crap

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