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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I'm pumped, I wanted to go so bad this year and just couldn't find the money to buy the tickets!
  2. ...is in this thread. So what you see here is a pair of tickets for Sunday's MotoGP in Indy. I just picked them up off a guy on Craigslist that posted and ad in the FREE section!! He wasn't able to use them so he offered them up for someone that could. So basically I'll see everyone at the GP tomorrow!!!!
  3. Ever ran a sport touring tire?
  4. He's copy/pasting from his yahoo mail account again.... We all know what that means!
  5. Just tried that one tonight. I was impressed. I'll M&E
  6. I'm sitting here at work and not even getting work e-mails. Consider yourself lucky.
  7. In and Out is good, even the secret ways, but I never thought that burger was as good as the claims.
  8. At 11 can you imagine what she was thinking. I'm no expert with the mind, but I can imagine that one's ability to really mess with her is paramount at that age. Then after repeatedly raping her, I can't imagine what was going through her mind. Sure she's old enough to remember, but something so graphic and violent could surely alter normal thinking. On top of that, at 11, being abducted you aren't as willing to try to escape, the mind games being played by the abductors could have created this image that they were the good people and she doesn't want to leave them, etc. After so many years that's what she believed... I've never been in a traumatic experience so I can't even begin to know what happens to the mind, but I'm sure that there is an explanation for her not escaping sooner or feeling that living in a shed, indeed was normal life. She's got two kids, 11 and 15 who have never been to a doctor or went to school. Imagine what is happening in their minds. This is a happy ending, but the beginning of a long road of therapy and recovery.
  9. While astronomically expensive, I actually like the Hooters BBQ bacon cheddar burger. with fries. and a side of tits in my face.
  10. I'm preaching to the choir probably and I'm a gun rookie by all counts...However I feel like, after some intense research the past couple days, that even CCW is encroaching on gun rights. It seems to me that there should be no question as to when, where, or how we carry. Our other rights aren't restricted so why is this one? Now I'm going to hole up and start writing letters I guess. My intention isn't to start forum drama, just announce a thought...Carry on.
  11. Shouldn't have a problem blasting by this douche. The rider makes the bike fast...Squids usually crash. One day in Coshocton and he'll be picking pebbles out of his ass for a week.
  12. Just sorta not happy? I'd be a lot more than sorta.... Hope you're ok!
  13. Now how funny would it be if the subrame just snapped and she went rolling, yes rolling, down the interstate...
  14. Actually I'm at work, which is why I'm on the forum, whats your excuse? And ya see, those actual riders you mentioned wear gear. They have something called sliders when they put their knee on the ground. I bet they probably don't ride on city streets in jeans and a tshirt trying to drag their knee. They have a brain inside of their head. Something you obviously lack. If you are so confident of your riding skills join one of the group rides on the forum and lets see if you can ride like you brag about....
  15. I trust your answer, is there some sort of documentation stating that you don't have to register it though? As we've discussed above, that .22 won't be a carry weapon. When I do take the class I'll use my fathers PPk or .38 snubnose.
  16. Alright rather than start a new thread I'll just post in one I've already created to avoid a "FocusDave" type situation (which btw, where is he?) So I'm doing a lot of research into obtaining my CCW now, not so much to carry immediately, but just to have it. I want to get myself more familiar with firing guns before I begin to carry one, but have the license. Everything about the process seems pretty cut and dry, but I did have one question that I can't readily find an answer to. We'll just use the gun I created this post about. It was essentially given to me. And I haven't registered it. In order to carry a gun legally with a CCW does the pistol have to be registered to me? Can you link me to the documentation that states that?
  17. Artmageddon is not answering the questions. He is using a State trooper to gather information. Then going to write an essay of sorts. What he says probably wouldn't hold up in a court of law, but it will give us a more clearly defined answer on some of the uncertainties of the law. If you would have read his original post you would see this, "I like to know actual facts when it comes to my rights. Therefore, I am going to try to put together a question and answer article about laws and regulations. My plan is to have a state trooper, a small town policeman and a lawyer that handles motorcycle cases answer our questions with what the law is, and their interpretation of it." So next time read before asking questions. DangBruhy is an officer somewhere. We don't like to listen to him though j/k man!
  18. :o:rolleyes::tongue: :wink::sad: *edited for Fonzie* :roll::grin::???::smile:
  19. I wish I was cool enough like him to have my own thread, devoted to all my awesomeness. He must be in squidenial....
  20. He looks like a queer with that smurf thing too.
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