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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I'm a little rusty with my electrical since I haven't been working on too many bikes since I quit the shop a few years ago, this would be a fun thing to poke around on though. Maybe we can get together sometime and I'll see if I can find anything.
  2. So to sum it up... Mods over moderated. Car is overpriced. GLWS
  3. dustinsn3485


    I'm glad I don't ride in the city...The majority of my riding is done on quiet back roads and none of this happens to me. I've had a handful of random encounters, but the members of this website seem to attract the idiots on four wheels... Sorry for your unfortunate experience...And sorry for my rant in your thread.
  4. Interesting. Too far for me to ride to during the week. Where do find such an odd/unique spot?
  5. Thanks. You outta get a tag with your 6R.
  6. Awesome story! That's a good bad feeling to find someting you know and think you'll be getting home shortly only to find that you've got 100 miles of interstate.
  7. Crazy, you must live a lot closer to there than I. I did 130 something miles yesterday from my house to the gravesite over to Husseys and back home.
  8. New Tag: Known for their Chicken. Overlooks the Great Miami River. City population, 317 in July 2008.
  9. dustinsn3485

    Tag 2

    From the album: Random crap

  10. I know where it is...I'll be there tomorrow if no one else is first.
  11. Thats enough info...just gonna figure out exactly what to make of it...
  12. Those are my thoughts in a much more educated format, dmag. We the people have some effect, but how substancial...I don't know..
  13. Magley and I both have PDS and neither of us will change anytime soon. We both ride quite hard and have no issues. NinjaNick and xtremef4i both have Roadsmarts, I think, and run hard all the time and love them. My father runs PR2's, rails them and is extremely satisfied. IMO, there's not reason to buy a supersport tire, the sport touring tires are going to give you all the grip for hard riding on the street plus the bonus of extended mileage for a lesser price.
  14. Yeah I know...I am really bored at work and it passes the time!
  15. So what'd you think? Who was right, Dubguy/I or Carie? Was it stated that the title was clear? :D:popcorn:
  16. I'll sit this one out for a bit. I don't need the bike. glws.
  17. Nah, I'm not worried. I'm informed enough to make an educated opinion about what I think of our current leadership. I also see your point and it's been noted. I will store this away with the rest of my useless knowledge to be sure it is not repeated.
  18. Bush isn't President anymore...IMAO this is useless information. We have a new asshole in office that we have to worry about now.
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