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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Damn, that's a lot of shit to stuff into a suit.
  2. Craig.....will you explain it to him?
  3. FYI!!! This was posted by Todd on MS today at noon. "Gate fee is $10 per rider and that includes 2 additional people in that vehicle, kids 10 and under are free. Camping is $15 for one night and $25 for two nights. Also new policy, NO ONE is allowed to park cars/trucks/trailers or camp up at the top of the hill where the bathroom/garages/classroom building is. In the future they plan to purchase generators for rent if you do not have your own, they do not expect to have them available for this weekend, maybe by our next event."
  4. I did need the monies which I would have taken whether or not you came to get the bike.
  5. Ooohh...ahhahahha!!! No body squeezed your dick there, McGyver. You still haven't figured out how to make more power using only safety wire, duct tape, a metric socket set, and Craig's panties?!!?? I'm disappointed.
  6. No one has mentioned it at all, but looking at those pics the parking area appears to be in great shape with the recent repave and work going on.
  7. Hey, Shitnugget. He's the one that rushed out to get it. I didn't have time to get it ready for him, besides I should have charged him more.
  8. You lazy ass. What the hell have you been doing the past 2 months!?!?
  9. My ass is big enough to squash you Sumo style my little Asian friend. How's the bike coming along by the way?
  10. Put a cock in it, Craig. And I never blamed the suspension by itself. I didn't like the Q2's equally. Besides, I'm guessing this guy that ran 5s weighed what.....170ish? If I were inclined to drop 30lbs. I'm sure I could get into the 5s on Brandon's scooter.
  11. Okay, Steve (RVT) and I are a go for Sat AND Sun now.
  12. You can also check the voltage as well to make sure it's within specs.
  13. The first thing I would do is check the connection. Unplug it and reconnect it to be sure it's seated properly. You can put the bike in dealer mode and adjust the TPS as needed, but I'm not sure it will fix the C14 error. You'll get a C00 with a horizontal line in one of three positions, top, middle, bottom. The line needs to be in the middle. You have to have a security torx driver as well to adjust it.
  14. Have you check the connection to the TPS? It could be out of adjustment. I know in previous gens you have to replace the entire throttle assembly, you can't just get the TPS module. There were some guys that took theirs a part and fixed them also, depending on the actual problem.
  15. I think you need to change the rubber bands in that thing. It took forever to spin up.
  16. Someone's going to need to rope off a lot more space for us OR guys next week.
  17. Simple, show up next weekend and open your mouth. Please....I had a hard time staying with you on the 1000. But take away 40hp and I'll at least stay on your tail.
  18. Well...the way you talk about it, it sounds like he was tickling your tonsils with his cack. If he was committed to customer satisfaction he wouldn't have pulled out either. Geeze. Give the guy a break. You better hope there's 4 stickers in that envelope or you might find some empty space on that pile you call a track bike.
  19. Craig and Rob..... ....blow me. I didn't fully commit either, I just thought it would be easier to know who's in or out with a list ya lazy fuck. Given that MS is giving the discounts for the weekend after this I can't see paying more for this weekend plus fuel to travel. Not all of us live between Nelson's and PIR.
  20. I was pleased with my purchases also and I got no stickers.
  21. I can't justify it, but I'm hoping to do all weekend on the 12th and 13th.
  22. You rape food? Like American Pie style?
  23. Red has all thumbs on his hands so you can't take his word for anything. He's also just book smart which doesn't help.
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