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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Hey, everyone is really good a one thing. Craig is good with getting his balloon knot poked, you're good at BBQ'ing pets, John is good at eating stuff, Brandon is good at being Ginger, Brian is good at being old. That doesn't mean I can't be said "Hi" to. So get off my back!
  2. This. I've done this on my way down to Cinci on 71. Some jacktard in a small truck decided he want to occupy the same space as me. I horned the idiot and then he got mad and actually tried to force me out of the lane. I was on his right side, so I accelerate up, pull my left hand back (wearing full race gloves) and knocked his mirror around and broke it. Then I kept going. Fuckin' dickhead.
  3. I see! Good job, it only took you like.....months to change.
  4. If you truly want to fix this kind of problem once and for all, do yourself a favor as well as your laptops and get a TSA approved laptop bag. I was so sick of traveling and having to basically strip down to your underwear and remove shit from my bags, especially my laptop. This in itself will save you time and there will be a greatly reduced chance that something will happen to your laptop if they drop the entire bag it's in. I suggest Targus bags personally. Targus Checkpoint Friendly Bags
  5. Yes, yes I did name her. But she looks really good, J! If you're going to be a real track day whore, 86 that kickstand.
  6. Casper is just post whoring again. Hell's he's probably in the DB now tacking on a couple thousand posts just so he can say, (in a Barry White voice) "I AM the Admin! Bow before me!"
  7. And as a followup to my previous post.... I've never seen this before but I thought it was funny and has a good beat. http://youtu.be/tDgS6qLsVM4
  8. Here's some plans to help you decide on what to do with the basement: You'll have to pick up the sewing machine, learn how to tan hides, and figure out how to bring home boys.
  9. And change that avatar.....let's see Ms. Piggy.
  10. Holy Shit! I thought your name was Jizz! Sorry, my bad. But I'll play along....OR name is above. Real: Kevin
  11. Looks like Rob gets to break in some fresh meat. Time to pay it forward, right Rob!
  12. I sent a message to Steve to see if I could talk him into going also. Still not sure, but most likely Sat. for me at least. Who else is going for sure? Rob, you should put the list together and keep it up since this is your thread.
  13. They must have updated it. It was showing rain. But if it is nice I might have to pull the trigger and sign up.
  14. Accent? I thought it was the cock in your mouth. Weather wise it doesn't look any better than today for next weekend.
  15. Step 1) come to the dark side and sell your kawkrapi bikes. Step 2) call the Devil and make a deal to sell your soul. Step 3) see you in hell.
  16. Yes, there's no reason it still can't happen. The only person with a long drive would be Craigsucker and Red if they want to jump in on things.
  17. I have a change in plans for my weekend. I'm happy to try to coordinate this still. I just won't be able to attend and sit back drinking cold beers watching you fucks get high as kites. I'm still waiting to hear about RVT's offer at this point. I'll shoot him a text and the fucker to get his shit in gear.
  18. I have see this before, on someone else's bike..... ...but the color is all wrong. It was mismatched green duct tape and zip ties. Shit....who's bike was that?
  19. Brian, I'm not far from Crocker and could pick it up from you and deliver it to him for ya. Shoot me a PM with a time and your celly and I'll run out to get it.
  20. Okay....so we have some possible locations on the table. 1 - Jbot's or Brandon's, both around the Mentor area 2 - RVT's, in the North Ridgeville area (pending his ability to get his man card back). Day's are optional at this point as well. Sat. at any place and Sun. is open at Jbot's. Do we have any other locations at this point?
  21. That'll be a bit of a drive for you sweetcheeks. But I'm all for some eye candy during the class.
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