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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I was actually talking to Steve about this a couple days ago. We were thinking that we need a central location for those to come to and a preferred day. Steve (the teach) and I were thinking of this Sunday possibly but we didn't come up with a location. I'm sure he's lurking and will pipe up once he sees us talking about him.
  2. Hey....I don't care as long as I get mine.
  3. Why you gotta be like that!?!?? Just because I'm old AND fat doesn't mean I can putt around for 1.5 hours.
  4. Come on Craig. Me and you will team up and run endurance and show that pesky Drew.
  5. Hey, take a damn number! The line starts in the back for help from Brian!
  6. I pulled the 1000 out of storage over the winter last year and the brakes were nonexistent. Somehow there was some air in the MC, started at the top and worked down to the calipers and everything was back to normal. And I told you I had a vac. bleeder setup you could use numbnuts.
  7. I sincerely hope that you guys understand I'm just messing. But I (and RVT for that matter) are going to be seriously looking to take full advantage of the mentoring program with the hopes that we can join you bastards on some grids in the very near future. I don't expect that I'll be able to run 2-3's at Beaver with my limited seat time but I'd like to get in the 6-8's so I'm not an embarrassment out there. I'm not entirely sure what to expect of Nelsons and I know I have a loooooong way to go at Mid-O. I/We need as much help as we can get and well......I'm going to be up most of your guy's asses and buggin' the shit out of you for tows, leap frogs, whatever we can do. For the record, this mean Brian, Craig, Jinu, Brandon, Andy, Drew (if the pussy gets a bike ), etc. Steve and I want to get into the A group by the end of this season if not sooner and I honestly think that if we can accomplish that then we should be worthy of gridding up with you guys.
  8. Drew, you better get a damn bike fast. I think we should have a contest on who's the better teacher. The old man Brian with his pupal Craig and I will take you as my new master, Drew. I'm giving Craig the advantage here so I don't want to hear any whining from either of them when they lose. The goals: For me I want to get into the A group by the end of the year. For Craig he has to podium....let's be nice and say at least 3 times given the competition this season. We can figure out the wager when we all get together.
  9. I'm only used to that when I get held up by the R1asshatswatchmegofullboarintotheturnthenputthekickstanddownandgograbacockmeatsandwich twins. Then everyone catches up to me. I didn't know Wrobel was a member here!?!?
  10. I'd be a back marker after 2 laps.
  11. Top 3 novice racers at Beaver run 2's and 3's! Fuck, don't plan on me racing anytime soon then.
  12. But on the topic of tires, are there any other place to get 211's at for a good price?
  13. Is it any worse than having to wrap your sack around your waste to get into your suit? Brian, how do you manage being old with sackage to your ankles?
  14. Marty has been busy. In due time....in due time.
  15. Change your damn info ya burrito eatin' cock if you sold the bike! Oh yeah....2 hr. bump.
  16. Joe, I can certainly sympathize with you my friend. My father-in-law went through a fairly short bout with cancer. Once things got bad enough to force us to put him in hospice care it unfortunately it did not take very long before he passed. But rest assured, the people at the hospice center should be very attentive to the entire families needs and should be able to keep him comfortable as best as humanly possible. My prayers are with you and yours my friend.
  17. Wow....welcome to the playground at the elementary school.
  18. Oh sure! You must have been getting some off season riding instruction from Brian which means you'll be on the AMA grid this year. I'll let you tow me around the track.
  19. Nick, put myself and RVT down for Sat in intermediate. We had originally planned on going Friday for bike shake downs and familiarizing ourselves with the track, which we might still do.
  20. 2011 KTM RC8 race spec bikes are piles. You might as well grid up on a Zuma, you might at least finish a race.
  21. Come on J! Take part of the day off and bring out Ms. Piggy!
  22. You better get it straight. I'm not the one you need to be concerned about Craigiepoo. And everyone knows Nick's Zuma is faster with duct tape.
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