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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Yes, yes I do have a new track bike. But it's not as turn key as I had hoped. I still have gearing change to make IF I can get the damn sprocket nut off and some odds and end pieces to replace. Then I still have to get the sag set and suspension loosened up because it's as stiff a Craig's cock when Jinu walks into his rainbow tent. I'm also kind of waiting to see the weather for the weekend in May. So, BACK THE FUCK OFF!
  2. Yeah, my wrist was hurting that day so I couldn't twist the throttle all the way open.
  3. And you call yourself a motorcycle enthusiast. (pppsssstttt....here's a tip for you. Single pipe on an stock SV = 650, Dual pipes on a stock SV = 1000) And this coming from a nerd who own's a SV1000.
  4. I actually have two Triumph's, one is about 2.5 years old (a 9500) and the other is only about 8 mo. old (a 9600 with remote display). One is for when I travel and the other I keep at home. If I would of had something like this when I was growing up I'm positive my dental visits would have been a lot better. And yes the brush heads are expensive but you're only changing them every 6 months so $20/3 should last you over a year. When you look at it like that, they're not really expensive. Besides, if you keep an eye out online you can find them a lot cheaper.
  5. Looks like it's a Casper fail this time. I use Chrome also and it works for me.
  6. It looks like even the biker wasn't prepared for the traffic ahead of him slowing. Looking closer at the video it appears that the rider locked up his rear and smoke can be seen from the back of the bike before he gets rear ended. Still no excuse for some taco folding retard to get behind the wheel of a car with no license or insurance. He'll get out of any real punishment because he's not a U.S. citizen and just get deported back to Mexico.
  7. RVTPilot and I are going to try to get signed up next sometime on Friday we think.
  8. If you'd of stayed around longer I'm sure he'd of given you the $10 'tour'.
  9. r1crusher


    So you're say the answer is 2.
  10. I think it's safe to say you love food in general there Taco.
  11. That is so full of win, they should clone that cop and put him on the roads of O H I O!
  12. This explains why the APE was spitting oil all over the place....it wasn't a honda.
  13. Nope, my bad. I missed it. Do you know the build date?
  14. Some of them might actually turn into supporters which means we won't get the juice turned off on the server.
  15. What he neglects to tell us is that 99% of them are just guests/visitors. Use those stats and get more people to sign up ya big dummy!
  16. Oooh no no no no no. You can put that sleazy little thought right back into your head. And Jinu knows his role, little spoon. He's not big enough to be big spoon.
  17. Just look for the pink bedazzled tent and you'll be at the right spot.
  18. Size might be a slightly helpful.
  19. Oh for fucks sake already!! Offer the guy $2k cash and a half a kilo of smack to get a deal done. Cripes!!
  20. *THIS* Could explain the outages of ORDN at times.
  21. He's probably upset he can't hunt for more camel toe images on google.
  22. r1crusher


    I was always told "PI r2" when I was younger. But after a trip to the grocery store I found out that was a load of crap because PI r round. So put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.
  23. Prick...you actually went there. That was like 3 years ago.
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