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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. This should be good. EDIT: Welcome to the site!
  2. What would it take for you to part with those e-fans? I'd really like to get rid of that stupid mech. fan on my SS.
  3. I'm a little skeerd about that cock gobbling grin he has on his face while eyeballing that beer bottle.
  4. QFT!! I love the CTS-V's.
  5. The proof is finally in that ORDN is harboring man ass butt pirates! This was captured at a butt pirate mixer just recently. If any straight males see this person in public, cover your corn holes!
  6. Could not have been Kawi....both MEN were bigger than a gnome.
  7. Maybe because it's not theft until they exit the store?
  8. You should be fine then curby.
  9. I think your price might be a little high honestly. I sold my PT145 for less. What gen is it also? There were some recalls on very early models.
  10. Although I will follow up with.... coat hanger wire and fetuses If you're gonna cross the line go big or go home.
  11. Okay, it was all fun and games until you typed that. /<thread>
  12. 1000rrr or Kawi and very short brass poles
  13. You mean you're actually going to use them on the track!?!?
  14. uuhhhmmm.....two words. Spaghetti and meatballs!
  15. I was watching the race when that happened. I was like ! I'm sure OZ is wanting that wheel back for an examination.
  16. Bond? There's a one big difference. Bond was into chicks not dudes.
  17. Woohoo! Tires arrived just a little while ago. I do have to say they don't seem nearly as soft as the Pures. Hope they do at least as good on the track.
  18. We had a no midget lobby so it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
  19. (waiting for IP to post)
  20. On top of that the pilot had the plane inverted....now that guy gotz sumz skillz.
  21. I bet it doesn't pass tech at the first track day.
  22. I'VE FINALLY MADE IT!!! I'VE FINALLY MADE IT!!! I'm in the elitist baller moneybagger class with Jinu!!!
  23. It's been several years since I bought the last pair I have. I found them on closeout somewhere. Honestly, I just use Google and start my hunt...where ever that happens to lead me. Ebay might not be a bad place to check either. Sorry, wish I could be more specific to help out.
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