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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. meh....you guys got offline to early for me. I'll probably be on after I get home from playing hoops tonight.
  2. Anyone have any pain killers? Parks and his team are heavy.
  3. Welcome...and that bike looks a lot like one from the WERA boards. Black and orange '05 RR?
  4. I haven't played BC2 in a long time. I like it for the substantially larger maps mostly.
  5. I have an excuse....5 other kids all wanting to play the damn xbox! Bastards...all of them! I will def. be tonight, come hell or hight water or you turning straight Justin.
  6. Oh he has another 'bike', it just has 4 wheels, a pull handle, and says 'Radio Flyer' on the side of it.
  7. We'd rather have you on here instead of senselessly destroying perfectly good motorcycles. And welcome to the site.
  8. you'll be late to the party then
  9. I would have to get obliterated in order to go watch a hockey game. Boooooring. IMO.
  10. Back in the Nati! Game on all weekend long beotches!
  11. I'm disappointed in me! Why should you hold me to a lower standard!?!?
  12. I still liked it when we kept telling people they should just quit and leave the lobby because they'd lose. We couldn't get a damn game started for like 15 min.!
  13. But I'm xboxless until I get home on Friday. In upper Indy working until Friday unless I knock this upgrade out and leave early.
  14. Hey, what more do you want from me? I have you my claymore for crying out loud? LOL! And he's right, you get one chance to get in once you see the invite. After a couple seconds you won't be getting another one for a couple hours. I think there's enough of us to do a huge party and a big ass private ground war.
  15. And after you got off we tore it up since you weren't stealing all the kills by camping out like Kawi does.
  16. I might have a free 3 month sub I can give you. I'll find out this evening and let you know.
  17. That's why the make DVR's!!!
  18. We have enough people to do one huge party and then just do private demo matches (at least I think we can do that).
  19. Demo is what we were playing last evening...Big Speazy and I were the only ones that were allowed to stay up past 10pm.
  20. True, Trico does have some. I bought a set just to see how they compare to the Rain-X ones.
  21. Seriously? You found them to be so bad you took them right back...interesting. What, did you try using them when it wasn't raining or something?
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