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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. And what do you think happens when you get pushed off that line because Johnny Rocket Racer who should be in A group runs up the inside of you? I'll give you a hint.... B U M P S. The real question is how wide is the "good" line? Damn kids...I swear I will set your new grill on fire!
  2. I don't have to...go ask anyone that's been there you stiff!
  3. I respectfully disagree about Ging. I honestly liked the track and had no problems getting around it. I would go to Ging again before going to Nelsons. I don't mind the seams as much as an entirely bumpy track.
  4. Oh shit. I only decided to go because you got lock jaw and weren't going to make it. Damn you!
  5. Jinx told me some stories of old.
  6. If you're quick, you can send JRMMiii some partially nude pics and tell him full on ones can be had for a scant $549. You'd have a paypal deposit in under 30 seconds I'd bet.
  7. You can help Justin. While Punk is blowing Greg, you can be blowing Punk. There is no other way to help at the booth and you have to work your way up the pole before you can be on the receiving end....or I should say down the pole.
  8. So what is the official word on the meet time and location at the IX Center for tomorrow? Fonz has been slackin' with the details (i.e. not updating the first post with potential info) and I'm not about to search through 60 pages to find it.
  9. There's no such thing because Godzilla kills most things yellow.
  10. I'm sure Shitty is already on his way down to get it.
  11. Looks like I'm in. I bought my ticket this morning for the show. Fonz....you can now get off my back.
  12. Odd tire patterns go with odd riders. Just sayin'.
  13. I have watched all the On the Throttle episodes I could find on suspension and tire wear. I have to say it's a lot to take in but it DEFINITELY helped when I was at the track. Knowing the wear patterns of my tires helped me make the right changes to the suspension. EVERYONE should watch the videos by Dave Moss IMO.
  14. First things first, you need to get the bikes sag setup. This usually takes two people. Google that first. Next is all about your and how you want to bike to ride. Make only small changes and test ride. Make notes of everything you've touched and where the settings are after every change. Rebound, compression, dampening can be dialed in for you as long as there's room. Google that next. Basically JFGI.
  15. Really. Maybe we're not thinking of the same thing. Thing of a wind proof golf umbrella...same concept just on a pop-up canopy instead. Are we on the same page? If we are, then your experiences have been different than mine I guess.
  16. I would also suggest going one step further and make sure that you get one with a vented top. This will help keep it from turning into a giant umbrella and getting blown away. I don't know that EZ-UP brands offer this type of canopy construction, but it's something to keep in mind IMO.
  17. Everyone knows that slants don't have tits.
  18. Or we can make you our pit bitch. All you'd need is an umbrella and some stilts.
  19. Okay Shitty...it must be your lucky day. I will actually be not very far from Jungle Jim's in Cinci tomorrow. I will be coming back up thru Cbus on Monday. You let me know if you want some and I'll pick it up for you.
  20. I'm sure someone could do a survey of just regular ghey dudes if that would make you feel better.
  21. For something like that sir, you might have to make a trip. There is a local place that we buy kegs from, place is Simone's Beverage in Lakewood. They don't show Yuen on their website but if you call them they might be able to get it for you.
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