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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Was just watching the early news...word at the stations says he's heading to the sunshine state. Let the crazies start trashing the city!! I fully expect to see the posts of Bron-Bron lit a fire or plastered with the words "TRAITOR" on them.
  2. http://greenstreet.weei.com/sports/boston/basketball/celtics/2010/07/08/lebron-watch-3-pm-boozer-stoudemire-hold-out-hope/ I love it...one former Cavs player that said he's wasn't leaving (which turned out to be a lie) text messaging Bron-Bron to get him to leave the Cavs.
  3. That's it! Ya'll aren't my Ninja's any more!
  4. http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-07-07/lebron-james-blows-by-a-rod-in-egomania-battle-scott-soshnick.html
  5. This might explain why Inya lives with a bunch of dudes.
  6. I don't think anyone can argue those statements.
  7. Uh Oh! You have angered the self proclaimed "Interwebz Chosen One"!!! Todd will bring his wrath upon the for questioning him!!
  8. He's not staying....I just want to see all of the Cavs fans line up downtown or better yet in front of his home and hold a #23 jersey burning vigil until he leaves town for good.
  9. Nah....I was just trolling. Thanks for playing and replying though!
  10. Please make sure you give credit for the "fuck off" where it's due. Thanks.
  11. His total lack of 'effort' the last two games of the playoff series this year pretty much told every fan of the Cavs, "Go fuck off! I'm movin' to Miami!"
  12. Black Tod is probably hoarding them all to himself. Selfish bastard.
  13. Dick...you went to Mid-O but couldn't drag your ass out to the Cosh ride nor even go to Beaver Run with the rest of us. You really really disappoint me cracka'.
  14. Not true...just send your current GSXR to KWS and you can have something even more untamed than you had previously.
  15. Let me give you the layout for the next 5-7 years. LeBron leaves...Cavs return to being a shit team...fan attendance drops substantially...owner relocates team. Any of this sound familiar Cleveland fans!?!?
  16. It can only be one of three things, 1) not bled properly, 2) bad t-stat or 3) bad temp sensor. Recheck do the bleeding procedure (this usually means tipping the bike from side to side as far as possible to release trapped air and on some years there's a little screw on top of the t-stat housing that gets removed to release trapped air also). Hook up a meter to the temp. sensor. I'm guessing since the fan is coming on and you're getting a temp on the instrument panel it should be good but double check it. Lastly, just replace the t-stat. And don't use tap water, buy some distilled water from the store if you need to mix your coolant.
  17. All anyone needs to know is he's as good as gone. I've been saying it since day one and I'd bet my bike on it.
  18. Yes, but they're only good for holding up the two grapes between your legs and telling you that JRMMiii is Satan.
  19. I know EXACTLY how you felt. I was going to sit the second to the last session but I figured I could just go out and do my own thing, maybe slow it down a notch and work some some minor things.
  20. Yeah, hell Jinu and Brandon came out with the small group of N riders the last session. That was fun except for getting pass by the two of them and not being able to keep up. I agree that the crashes really screwed up the session for I and A. Hell we all had to wait for the oil to get cleaned up out of 7 down into 8. I'm contemplating going to Mid-O on July 20th...will have to wait a short bit to see how weather and some other personal facts play out.
  21. I bet we could have gotten Jen to do it.
  22. What a exceptional day to be at the track! Holy Fuck did I have a good time today, Jinu, Ken, Brandon, Jen, Elliot, and many more.....thanks for putting up with me. I had a great time, finally getting the bike sorted out suspension/tire wise. Ran with two super instructors and my misconception about the pace was quickly squashed. By the third session we were pushing things pretty well for us. And man was it warm also...I'm still drinking water. LOL! I'm still pissed Tom didn't get signed up but he at least made an appearance and even turned a screwdriver on my pile of crap. Thanks Tom! Just remember to SIGN THE HELL UP NEXT TIME!!
  23. Jbot...if you want to try out some slicks I heard that Inya shaved his nuts and he could run them across you face to see how those feel.
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