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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Getting ready to get you iPhan jig on by selling your old phone to help pay for the new iPhone 4? Oh and pics might help, not that I don't trust your description.
  2. Besides...it sounded like Casper didn't have anything better to do with the forum today either.
  3. One can never be too informed of the headlines these days.
  4. Like I said....blame Justin!
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_lightning_strikes_jesus_statue This should be like post number 8 or 9 for Casper to merge. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=60802 JRMMiii made me do it.
  6. Don't make me throw a stick in your spokes beotch!
  7. I never said Ron Jeremy was ghey. Any dude that has him for their avatar is though.
  8. If knicks is going I'm out. There will be enough faggery going down with Justin going.
  9. First the bike...now the gear...YOU'LL NEVER COME BACK TO US!!! :cry::cry::cry:
  10. I'll go with the latter two. EDIT: He does live in Avon though!
  11. This should present the perfect scenario for you then on the land yacht you own...you know...go fast in a straight line...brake hard to 5 mph for a 35 mph turn. Besides, we all know you're the 'new MJ' and back out of every ride put together so far.
  12. I'm sure I can keep up...maybe not in the very front but at least a couple miles in front of Justin. And that's Budell for ya, he thinks it's all a game until he's missing some part of his tiny package. I'm sure we all know you're just doing this out of the goodness of your heart Tod. Quit being such a panty waist and tell those people how it's going to be!
  13. IP don't you have someone's bike to go screw up!?!?
  14. Wow...please lay off the crack before you come to the ride!!
  15. Looks like Uncle Fuck just eliminated a bunch of people from "HIS" ride. Just make sure Baby is securely attached because we all know Budell likes little white babies.
  16. I heard his boy toys last a little longer though.
  17. They do but keeping the little hicks running on the treadmill generator is a challenge for them.
  18. Anyone with even mediocre hearing can plainly tell it DOES NOT SAY WHORE!!!!! READ THE FUCKIN' CARD YOU IDIOTS AND QUIT TAKING SHIT OUT OF CONTEXT!!!!! I'm just in total awe of the power the NAACP has garnered and their ability to pressure a company to remove those cards from shelves. They should have told the NAACP to go pound salt and stuck to their guns.
  19. I'll have to check but I might have some left over fender eliminators that might work for your bike. It will be a about a week or so before I get back home but I'll see. It's yours for the low low cost of..... ....shipping!! EDIT: Forgot you were only in Broadview so you can come get the damn thing.
  20. I see Justin is making friends again flexing his e-muscles on the interwebz. Don't worry Mikie...everyone really does know Ridgetucky is the true trailer park of Ohio. And yes, RVT knows this as well since he lives in the same park as you. Welcome aboard!
  21. I'm sure he remembers it spinning up the rear when he tried to make a few pulls with it at his shop. I hate to see you sell it like you did with the 10 and the gixxer but I know you have your reasons. Brian....you WILL NOT find a more meticulously maintained or cared for Busa than Turbo's (aka John). Is it cheap...maybe not but you will have a bike to keep you more than busy taking cash or pink slips from silly squids.
  22. You're '08 is now for sale!?!? WTF are you doing!?!?
  23. Oh...come on! Everyone know that 10's are about half the HP as gixxers so I'm sure I can handle it. When you gonna be working at Mulligan's again anyway?
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