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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Inya is black!! I must be color blind then because I swear Tod was the token black dude. If the 10 is feelin' a little neglected I'd be happy to show it a little action.
  2. Welcome to the hood! Fire that damn grill up beotch and getz me a berger! I won't be home until the week of the 20th so get the plans together Steve!
  3. I'll offer you $157.38, a half eaten pack of M&M's, and a used condom. What time should I come pick it up? If I had the old man's quad paid off I'd consider throwing you a serious offer. GLWS!
  4. I've had an FNP-9 for many years and it's a very reliable and easy shooting weapon. I'd expect the same thing in the .45 cal. as well. Nice pickup!
  5. Yeah...but Nick takes his with a couple teaspoons of semen. ZING!! Back on topic.
  6. Sorry mang...I'm down near Cinci for a couple weeks at least. Maybe I could swing by on my way north and hit ya up. She's in the Cbus area and not this far south. Unless she's cheating on JRMMiii.... (que dramatic soap opera sound)
  7. ..Mt. Orab, OH at the corner of Mills and Main? Saw it parked there a while ago with an OR.N sticker on it. I never see anyone outside to stop and say 'Hey!'
  8. You don't even what to know what copper colored busa's are a kin to!!!
  9. Oh yeah...and steering an aircraft carrier through a water ski slalom course is a kin to your zx14 turning. Bring it son....B R I N G I T ! ! !
  10. He bought the 750 because he heard that it turns unlike the busa or zx14. Problem was it really did turn at a "slow" speed and cracked the motor. Not everyone is as cool as busa or 14 owners.
  11. Avalanch...do yourself a favor and buy a Silverado or Sierra. Ava's a piles and piles of plastic shit stuck on all over the place. If your going to buy a truck....THEN BUY SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES ONE!! Damn kids... After all that driving I did for you to get a G8 and now you're going to pull this shit.
  12. You guys and your ins. talk are killing the trollness of this thread. Ins. fraud is wrong, ins. costs are too high, we all agree. Now back to the troll story. I want to hear more about welding a cracked motor with an arc welder and then see how loose the bearing for the water pump is or that it won't go back in because the metal was so thin it distorted the roundness of the hole.
  13. Happy B-Day boy! Now fetch me some Shardenheimer brews!
  14. I'm curious about when the appeal wears off or you might want to change up the wrap. How well does it come off later on down the road...say a couple years. I might be willing to get a few things done and let you use it as display.
  15. Because he put Black Tod in his place...that's why. Now shut up and watch for the reply.
  16. Looks like rain west of Cbus right now moving north and another blob heading up toward Akron. So you may want to check those plans of going down to Bolivar.
  17. Was thinking of heading up there myself. I found a little something in there the last time and now that I have an idea of what they retail for I'll go back to see what the price was again. If I can turn a buck on it I might pick it up and resell it. My bike is still in 'track day' mode so I'd just have to pull some tape and get the lights working (two fuses). No mirrors or front signals though.
  18. Save him the trouble of selling it and just kick it over in the parking lot.
  19. This bitch was catching a plane out to San Antonio, TX. So what do you say now Copper Cocksucker!?!? Too bad it's going to be several more weeks before I get a chance to ride again, traveling for work has is drawbacks.
  20. I know a guy with a barely used '09 ZX10 that might be for sale. Apparently he can't ride his other bike very well so no need for two of them.
  21. I used to have a Hawk back in the day. Great little hooligan bike for sure and very easy to ride distances. Me and my pile at the recent Gingerman track day...
  22. Steve (RVTPilot) and I had an awesome time at the track and I'm certainly looking forward to another STT track day in the near future.
  23. I say "profile" away. If you have nothing to worry about you'll be only slightly inconvenienced. It'll be no more of a hassle than going through security at the airport. Also, I'm sick of going to the damn ATM and having to push "English" when I want to get some Pesos...I mean cash.
  24. I will agree with this statement. I say we start some midnight raids into Mexico and start taking back that stuff which was purchased with money from illegals working in our country.
  25. You might want to. I don't think he'll be out in public much this year.
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