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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. HEY! I might be last but at least I'll be RIDING MY BIKE HOME! Cack sucker....pick on the guy that can't make because of a family matter.
  2. I will more than likely be heading through sometime between 5:30 and 7:30pm tomorrow. I could use a pit stop for a few if you'll be around. Shoot me a txt and let me know.
  3. Well....I got a txt this evening from the wife. Her father got admitted to the hospital for a high sugar count, 600+. So they're going to keep him for a couple days. It just doesn't seem like things are ever going to turn around. Sorry for the thread jack.
  4. Any time you want to line them up little man....ANY time. You want to duke it out at the strip...I can do that too. But don't be cryin' to Abby when you get you precious 1290 whatever CC popped by a wittle 998CC biky wiky. And Welcome to the newb!
  5. I'm officially out. The wife needs me to come down to the Nati to help care for her ill father (tumor in the brain). He's not getting worse but not getting better either and she's just exhausted trying to do everything. Oh well...this is the way my riding season has gone. Not a single good all day ride.
  6. Gotcha...I get the full on A-Z plan pricing. Father retired from Ford, and if it weren't for the good deals though that on Fords I'd be driving something else.
  7. Oh shit! I'm sorry Inya...I almost forgot to return those to you. They def. don't get the chicks like you said.
  8. UP...def. not new...I can't afford that. Used is where I'm going and I have to keep the price at or below $21k. Sam...I hear ya. My truck when it goes back will be put on a lot for at least $24k or more. It's really hard to get anything used. If you need a hook up for a Ford just let me know! I can get ya close to the A-Z plan pricing.
  9. We're going to get to that shortly I think. We were just looking to cut the premiums for the auto to start. 100/300 has been my min. for years and the wifes coverage was far too low for my liking. With AAA you have towing for free so that's not offered as part of the ins. and we also have car rental also I just didn't include it. My truck lease is up in another 6 months and I have already started my quest for finding a TBSS.
  10. Aaahhh...nothing like nerd banter early in the mornin'.
  11. UP...no we did not include any home or other things to be covered. This was just auto only and we both have a *knocks on wood desk* perfect driving records and my credit score is very good and the wifes is okay. Sam...I took the $10k med. pmt increase on the suggestion of my agent. I don't think the cost if very much for it but we'll more the likely let it ride at this for now.
  12. It's no wonder you and Red get along so well. Speaking of which, when ur next date with her??
  13. The wife has been on me for a while now to combine the ins. for our two new trucks and her car. Well, I finally got around to calling a few places to get the numbers to see what would we could save. Previsous ins. numbers: '08 F-150 XLT - $100/300 w/ $500 deductible and $5k med. pmt. was $532 / 6 mo. '08 F-150 STX - $50/100 w/ $250 deductible and $2k med. pmt. was $588 / 6 mo. '03 Grand Am - $50/100 w/ $250 deductible and $2k med. pmt. was $468 / 6 mo. *both trucks are 4x4 as well NEW AND VASTLY IMPROVED ins. numbers: '08 F-150 XLT - $100/300 w/ $500 deductible and $10k med. pmt. is $194 / 6 mo. '08 F-150 STX - $100/300 w/ $500 deductible and $10k med. pmt. is $193 / 6 mo. '03 Grand Am - $100/300 w/ $500 deductible and $10k med. pmt. is $246 / 6 mo. If you guys weren't aware of this yet, I guess AAA started offering auto ins. just recently according to my agent. This is some of the most retardly cheap prices I have ever seen. NOW...keep in mind that I work from home and do not drive my truck on a 'regular' basis so it is listed as a 'pleasure' vehicle. The wife drives her car most of the time and thusly her truck is listed the same way. None-the-less, if anyone has AAA I would suggest checking into their ins. for your cage needs. I also got more discount for having a platinum credit card as well...so friggin' sweet...I love it! Just remember you need to be a AAA member, but who doesn't have AAA.
  14. I doubt she'd come without number '4' though.
  15. I think I've heard Justin say something like that also, but it was more like.... "I want a MJ burger." Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how it went.
  16. *in Elmer Fudd voice* 'Be varwee varwee qwuiet...I'm hunting Nerd.'
  17. I know why....cus you secretly love mayonnaise.
  18. Say WHAT!?!? How did I miss this tidbit of information?
  19. "I don't like repeat offenders. I like DEAD offenders." QFT!!
  20. What do you mean....'stock'? Where'd the exhaust go?!?!
  21. The wife may be giving me the pass for this weekend so I might be able do this. I will keep on her good side for extra measure.
  22. Ooohh...I might have to dust off the controller for tonight then.
  23. So go buy it Mr. Moneybags....sheesh.
  24. You'll have to excuse Justin....he's never met a 'squirter' before. There's nothing wrong with you MJ.
  25. OK....you shall now be known as 'Mayonnaise Girl'. So, what happens when you mix a nerd with mayonnaise???
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