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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Of course, I like to keep beautiful people around me. I still can't explain Justin though.

  2. We all remember what it was missy. And again nice open ended statement to let yourself off the hook if......sorry, when you don't come. Why not say, "I have some things I need to take care of but if I can postpone them I'll show up." So your saying instead that you can't come, but if something changes you can make it. You do the opposite though and say you'll come but then don't. Which is way worse on Justin than anything else you might say! And I will keep talkin' crap because you ain't gonna do a damn thing about it! Besides Justin might get jealous if you start hittin' on me....and we won't even get into what Mr. Mayo would have to say (not much probably because he'll be playin' with his man friend instead of hanging out with his hot girlfriend and company).
  3. Check here, a few NEOer's are going to try to head down. Right now weather is saying rain in the AM so we'll see how it goes. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=35184
  4. No way! I'm sure it'll be a case of deja vu come Sunday when the ride is about to start and then the call comes in from MJ. "Sorry, I'm not going to make it Justin. The guys are Iron Pony said that the air in my tires needs to be changed now and it will cost $400! They also said it would be unsafe for me to ride my bike that far in this condition." And Justin is already thinking she did leave it open ended by saying, "I'll most likely be there...". That just means she won't. This would make what 4....5 times she's bailed on coming out for rides??? Where's Justin!?!?
  5. Yes...... .....and it was worth EVERY PENNY!
  6. This Sunday, weather permitting.....I'm in. Inya, hit me up we can do the morning run down if you want. That is all...as you were.
  7. You've been awefully lippy lately girl....did Mr. Mayo finally put out this month or something???
  8. You won't when you find out your girlfriend just left my place while you were working..... ....oops, I guess the cat is out of the bag. J/K! Just take him to the track and let him win, that always put him in a good mood.
  9. I thought you loved zombie puppies!?!? Let me guess, you can't punt them as far as living ones cause they're too soft.
  10. The bike has plenty to whoop that bus of yours. It's the rider that's the problem...not the bike. Just remember that boy.
  11. I spy.... Boobies in a mirror!
  12. Both the R6 and CBR were red and the Buell was black.
  13. I'm guilty of watching it as well...too funny!
  14. That's all well and good but I'm with the wife every other weekend. So if I wasn't with her this weekend what do you think next weekend is going to look like for me???? Duh.
  15. Well, given my work schedule, wife, and lack of friends who call when heading up/out on group rides I decided to simply start rolling solo. Today I got up after sleeping a late and decided to take a ride down Rt 60. Wanting to get to the good stuff directly I just went straight down 58 to 89, then across 95. But to my surprise 95 was closed. So I just took it over to 60 no biggie. So I fueled up at the little gas station on the corner when 60 turns right south of Nashville. Little did I know but it looks like 754 N. might have some new pavement. So I filled up and start to pull out and 3 guys coming south on 754 stopped and headed south on 60. So I think cool I might be able to keep up and have someone to follow. Guys were riding an R6, Buell, and older CBR (F4 I'm thinking). So they were rolling out but I always kept them in sight since I'm just doing my thing anyway. Followed them at a modest pace until just before 36 where they pulled off in a school parking lot. I already had plans to go all the way to Zanesville so I just rolled on by. I finished up my run and stopped for some grub and to check for calls. I was going to head toward Cbus so I gave Shitty a text. He was at work and said it was raining there. I was a bit concerned earlier as I saw it was getting pretty overcast out and I never bothered to check the weather before I left the house. Well, just about the time I finished up talking to him and walked outside it started raining....fack! So I had to make the call, either head into the rain and try to get through it by heading west on 70 then north on 71 via the slab or take the chance and get wet on a twisty road and have it take longer to get home for having to ride slower due to conditions. I rolled the dice and headed west. It didn't take long on 70 before I was soaked on about 60% of me. Rode in the rain on the slab to 270, then north to 71. It rained just about the entire time up until I got close to Ashland where I had to stop for fuel. I figured I could gas up and then take the return route to which I used to come down. Sunshine and warm air....boy did I like to see those two things after well over an hours worth of rain. So I made it home, had a good ride down and a horrible ride home (safely). I guess it was a good day. Would be interested to know if any of the three guys were on the forum here. I though for a second that guy on the Buell was IP and Bam's buddy but he was way too small! LOL! Oh well...time to go hit the Xbox for a couple hours before bed.
  16. Jbot...pm me a number to reach you at. I have a good friend who's a trained and certified technician for HVAC. He's done a lot of residential stuff and sometimes he'll get me some side work with him so I'll more than likely help him out on yours.
  17. Given the fact that he's on a bike with the wheelbase of a Freightliner truck he could launch harder out of the hole than I could. If I could have gotten my 60' times down I would have been right there with him. We were trapping about the same speeds, I just couldn't get off the line well enough and keep the front down for the first couple gears. I got skooled by a 9 second bike at the line and lost by .078 and then the same guy redlights in the next round...bastard. He cut a .006 light to my .166. I had cut some .1XX lights last night, just not good enough then. We all had a good time though, I counted slips and I made 11 or so passes including eliminations.
  18. I could manage that. It all hinges on how this afternoon goes. I'll probably need some go-go juice but we could get that on the way out. I'll meet you at your place.
  19. Okay fucktard....lets get it on! As long as I don't get slammed this afternoon with support calls I'll head out with you. Need time and meet spot.
  20. Aren't all Jar heads though. It's all those years of getting drilled by the Sgt.
  21. Prick...I would have loved to gone out on Sunday! YOU DIDN'T CALL ME!
  22. Sorry mang....tossin' salad is not my thing. But I'm glad you picked up a few pointers while you're in Lakewood 'playing volleyball'. Aren't you supposed to be outside doing some yard work!?!?
  23. Anything's possible, but I don't work for your girl. So in order for me to bring you a shovel she's gonna need to do something for me.
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