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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Please refer to JRMMiii's sig. above your post. That was in reference to MJ's 'mayo man'.
  2. I call BS. I think you're just sticking up for him.....AGAIN!
  3. Say MJ...where has Mr. Mayonnaise been though all this?
  4. You let me know...I don't have anything planned at this point. If the track is hooking up I foresee a lot of front wheel in the air time for me. I just might need those straps.
  5. Hhhhmmm...I've always thought you could stand to eat a couple more cheezeburgers girl. Hopefully that 20lbs. didn't just land in one spot on ya. And don't worry about the clothes not fitting, you can just bum around in your b-day suit. Glad you're getting back to 'normal' though. I think Justin was kind of lost without his arch nemesis engenerd around.
  6. Speaking of cheaters.....how's Wed. lookin' for a beat down at the track? Weather is looking decent at the moment. I won't even run any straps on the front so you can kind of stay close.
  7. Okay...here's a link with a diagram of your dryer and a complete parts list with pricing. I also found that if you ohm out the heating element it should be around 15 ohms so get your meter out. Whirlpool Parts Diagram for LER4634PQ0
  8. There's not much to electric dryers. Just man up, pull it out and take the back off. You'll see some duct work that goes from the heating element into the drum. Just take this off and then pull the heating element to see if the coil is broken somewhere. Also in the duct work you should find a temperature sensor which could also be bad. Get yourself a meter and check it. I'll see if I can dig up a diagram for you as well....hang tight while I do some searching. Also, the parts are fairly in expensive....heating element is only $50.
  9. First he feeds the puppies....then he punts the puppies. It's a cruel cruel world.
  10. Please...you should see the stuff that comes out of the thing. You're not impressing anyone because you stuck your second belly button in a balloon knot. Besides, if you came within 16 feet of her knot you'd have nothing but a bloody little hole left where it used to be.
  11. The answer is most certainly, YES! Little hands do give better handjobs. They can even make RVT's second belly button look like John Holmes.
  12. Well, my wifes father passed away this past Sat. I'm still down in Nati right now and will probably be here until late Sat. or Sun. afternoon. I would love to go but my plans are a bit uncertain right now, sorry. (end thread jack)
  13. He's from Detroit....what would you expect!?!?
  14. Okay, I'll ask you a question then. Would you want to have a free hand during a confrontation regardless of the perps weapon? If you answer this with 'yes', and I know you will because a single celled amoeba would agree (not that I'm call you a amoeba), then you proved my and many others point. Your weapon should always be chambered. Period.
  15. I know it can be done, and you understand my point. Take the 'IF's' out of the equation and keep it ready for duty. I'm with ya on this Luna.
  16. Funny, your girlfriend wasn't able to find anything 'limp' about me a couple nights ago.
  17. I can't believe you'd even ask a question like this. I will answer it anyway. No, it doesn't. But it is the difference between you getting stabbed or shot by the perp. Let me run it down for you again. You are having to use BOTH OF YOUR HANDS to work your weapon. During a confrontation you might need your off hand to defend yourself while you DRAW. I want to see you draw AND work the slide in this situation. Don't take my word for it, try it yourself.
  18. Okay, I'll ask since I know others have to be thinking it. What is the point of carrying if it's not going to be chambered and ready for duty? If you think you're going to shoot yourself, then you probably should be carrying at all. If you have kids in the house, buy a cheap 3 or 4 button lock box and keep chambered it in there. Memorize the combination so you could do it in complete darkness. Mine is chambered at all times no questions asked. Bad guy rolls up and says 'Give me all your money now!' I just draw and give him two choices, walk or die. There will be no, 'Could you just wait one second Mr. Scum. I need to chamber my gun so I can use it to defend myself.' If you have to pull the slide to make it ready it's too late for action. Edit: Damn you Flat Fish.
  19. Thanks for all the replies. Things are really tough for the wife. She was pretty close to her father and whenever we seem to get some quiet alone time she just breaks down. I try my best to keep her mood as positive as I can but it is hard for me to watch her like this. Her boys are holding things in and it's just a matter of time for them to just give in to the grief. I'm already starting to wear down and the toughest two days are yet to come. Again we appreciate everyones well wishes and replies.
  20. Well, I came down to help my wife with her father on Friday late afternoon. Figured I would ride down so I could get some seat time. Got to her place at 8ish and while getting my stuff unpacked she got a call from her sister who was watching him. He was in some respiratory distress and they ordered him straight to hospice care. While there things just got progressively worse, but the nurses there were really really good at managing his anxiety and pain. People were in and out through out the day Sat and into the evening. The gave him something to help him sleep around 8pm and between 11:05 and 11:15 my wife and I were beside for his remaining time here. We've just been running around today getting final arrangements made and taking visitations from friends and family. Just need to get this off my chest and get some rest for the coming days. Thanks for everyones well wishes when I posted earlier about his poor condition.
  21. Good choice on looking for a PC. If I had the extra coin that's what I would get. Good luck with the search.
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