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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. :cry: Cleaner is an e-bully :cry: Well my oil isn't a year old
  2. I replied based on what you had posted. Sorry, my apology. Well, again if the frame itself isn't damaged you'd be surprised how far the ins. will go to fix it rather than total it out. Hopefully you'll get everything all squared away soon so you won't miss the whole riding season.
  3. Easy there big fella...all in jest. Didn't mean to push the "Go Psycho" button. Again...a little more humor in case you didn't catch that.
  4. r1crusher

    8/19/07 Ride

    I've got a golf outing on Sat. but Sun. is pretty much wide open. I'd like to go pending anything popping it's ugly head up. So, I guess I'm in.
  5. First off if they told you it would be totalled because of the fairings they're blowing smoke up your back side. Now, frame damage is pretty much the largest factor to totalling your ride. I don't think anyone can gaurantee you that it hasn't been stressed to the point of near failure and say it'll be ok. Most ins. companies look for something around 80% of the bikes value as damaged. So, if your bike is work $10k you'd need to have $8k+ in damage for them to total it. I've never bought one back although I've never come anywhere close to totalling one. But again depending on damage and the availability of good replacement parts (i.e. Ebay) it could be streetable again. Be warned though, if you ever try to sell it as a salvaged vehicle you will most likely not get the money you've invested in fixing back.
  6. Wish I was going to be around, but I'll be down near Cinci this weekend. Was kind of debating on whether or not to ride down though. My ex-brother-in-law is in town for a couple weeks and he bought a new bike before he left for tour (he's in the military). I'll more than likely be doing some riding during the week and maybe take a day off to make a good day of it.
  7. Maybe he does more posing with his bike than riding.
  8. Well Mike...I'm in the same building as you and have seen your bike in the lot but never put two and two together. Good luck with training thos mgrs. to use MOVE...LOL!! Ask Steve where I'm at he'll tell ya.
  9. My GF lives in Seaman (yeah I know ha-ha) and 247 runs through town. From 32 north all the way into Hillsboro on 247 is pretty twisty and hilly to boot. It would be a bit out of your way from Cinci but it is a good ride and pretty clean. It doesn't look twisty on the map, but it is trust me. Mapquest Link
  10. Okay boys...these are my addy's: Work - kcarpenter_remove_@invacare.com Home - kevin_carpenter_remove_@adelphia.net Cell - 440-773-6001. Hit me up, I'm usually there with a friend of mine who rides a big fat Yamacruiser except he thinks it's a sport bike and rails the piss out of it dragging chrome. We'll see how the weather is as we get closer to Thurs.
  11. Interested, but could I have the product name and model number please. Pics would be great also. You're not too far away either.
  12. I think I saw you last night! I saw some big dude with dreds in a grey t-shirt and I started to yell "Hey InyaAzz!!" But I had a split second to think about yelling something like that out and decided otherwise. LOL!! I was sitting with two other guys at the inside bar w/ the garage doors closest to the outside bar.
  13. Just bought a 360 from a good friend for $300 w/ 3 or 4 games. After playing Gears of War with the GF's son I got the bug. Plus I could aways sell it later and get that money back.
  14. Fire33 seemed a bit "suspect"...could you smell the poo in his schlong from your house?
  15. I heard he's running a special on rainbow flake coating. Just messin'.
  16. Hey Blue...welcome to the site. I work in Elyria and live in Sheffield Lake. Let me know when you have some free time and we'll hook up. Don't forget QSL on Wed. and Thurs. in Sheffield...I'm usaully there. Just look around for the bike in my avatar as there are only two in this area that I've seen.
  17. I was checking out the link and took a look at the pics of Colin's ride for this weekend. I love how Colin throws out the "Shocker" sign for all the babes in the crowd. Colin's Shocker Sign
  18. For crying out loud...I'm feeling damn old now. '97 and '98 graduates...sheesh. As for the fishing....it's probably best to leave the fish in the lake. I've not been down by hot waters in a loooong time. Especially since they opened the boat launchs off Broadway and the launches in Avon.
  19. Yup, I'm in Shefftucky. I would like to go but the weather is not looking to cooperate though. If things change I'll be there. Good luck with the root canal...I just had one done about 2 months ago. It's just now to the point of not hurting when I eat and I have one more to be done (fractured tooth). Hope fully the weather clears and we can head up.
  20. Good Deal Azz...too bad the weather is looking like crap for tomorrow. If it changes I'll certainly be up at QSL in Sheff. I do have to meet a guy after work tomorrow to fit a fender elim. kit I make but after that if it's decent I'll be there.
  21. I like the light bar and especially the white/silver scheme. Congrats on the new wheels!
  22. Hey...you to something against riding with guys? Just messing....welcome to the site. There are some fellow female riders here, maybe/maybe not in your area but that's why you get some group rides together. Enjoy the site! So here's your official welcome...
  23. You don't need no stinking license to carry!! It's only illegal once you've been caught. Figures, that's the weekend I won't be at the gf's place. She'll be up here in Cleve. Dang....21st don't work either. :mad:
  24. r1crusher

    My new plinker

    I know it was short notice to try and do something this past weekend and it appears Pops was busy. I was down from Clev. and thought it would be fun to hook up with some of you guys. I was going to try to get with Flounder as well, but the gf and I were just to busy running around to get with him. Maybe we can get with Pops ahead of time and make a solid plan to do something. Cat, maybe you could stop over Pops and see about getting something going?? Also, maybe we should start a new thread to give this the attention needed and a place to get things worked out.
  25. Always do it yourself. It's by far cheaper and it's good to get your hands dirty on your own ride. The items you listed are very simple to replace. Yota might even be willing to give you a hand if you're in his neck of the woods. And here's a tip for you, when you park your ride leave it in or put it in gear and let it roll forwad/backward before you put your kickstand down (of course your engine is already off). This will 99% of the time prevent what you had happen.
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